Here is a small hematoma under the toenail following trauma which has a bluish appearance from the deoxygenated blood within it .
这是 趾甲下面损伤引起的小血肿。由于是静脉血而使其呈现蓝色。
Objective To introduce a simple method for treatment of ingrown toenail and paronychia .
目的:介绍一种简单的 嵌甲及其引起的甲沟炎的治疗方法。
In addition without the right tools it is easy to leave a fragment of the nail that will turn into an ingrown toenail and make the problem worse .
另外,没有合适的工具,你很容易把脚 指甲的碎片留在脚趾的肉里面,然后情况就会更糟糕。
Tinea of fingernail toenail much afterwards is sent at brothers tinea want to be treated at the same time with brothers tinea so .
指甲、 趾甲癣,多继发于手足癣,所以要与手足癣同时治疗。
Objective To study etiological factors of ingrowing toenail and introduce a new method of surgical therapy .
目的探讨趾嵌 趾甲的病因,介绍一种新的手术治疗方法。
A toenail that has grown into the skin an ingrown toenail can result in pain redness swelling even infection .
是指 脚 指甲生长到肉中,指甲内嵌生长可引起疼痛,红肿或是感染。
The mortal form of greyscale began in the extremities he knew : a tingling in a fingertip a toenail turning black a loss of feeling .
他知道,灰死病致命的脚步开始于尖端:手指尖先会发麻, 脚趾头变黑并且失去知觉。
Cutting nails too short or not straight across injury to the toenail and wearing tight shoes are culprits .
剪指甲时剪得过短或是向内剪, 指甲有伤口或是穿太紧的鞋子都可能 引起 指甲内嵌。
With all those scary microbes out there it 's hard to get worked up over a toenail fungus or a case of athlete 's foot .
由于存在那么多可怕的微生物,因而很难找到 对付 脚趾甲真菌 病,即 治脚癣的 有效方法。
She 's having an operation on an ingrowing toenail .
她因 脚趾甲长到肉里,正在作一次手术。
Blood vessels under the nail break open which spill blood ( which looks black under the opaque nail ) into the area between the toe bed and the toenail .
指甲下的血管破裂,出血(在不透明是指甲下呈黑色)进入指甲床和 指甲之间。
His toenail likes the water and the land .
他的 趾甲喜欢水和土地。
The effect of phenol on ingrown toenail excision in children
苯酚对儿童嵌 趾甲切除的影响
If it seems to be dull or lacking luster this is also a toenail fungus symptom .
如果它似乎是沉闷或缺乏光泽,这也是一个 趾甲真菌的症状。
The contents of trace elements in toenail have been determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry .
应用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定了人 趾甲 样品的微量元素含量;
Methods 66 broken hyponychium in 54 cases were treated by the toenail situ covering .
方法应用 趾甲覆盖技术治疗甲床破裂患者54例(66趾)。
Indications for the treatment of ingrown toenail include significant pain or infection ; deformed curved nail known as onychogryposis ; or chronic recurrent nail-fold inflammation ( paronychia ) .
治疗 嵌甲的适应 症包括,显著疼痛或感染;变形,趾甲弯曲(甲弯曲);慢性,复发性甲皱炎症(甲沟炎)。
Objective : To study the efficacy and levels of itraconazole in serum and nail samples of toenail onychomycosis without matrix area involvement in patients who were treated with itraconazole intermittent pulse therapy .
目的:研究伊曲康唑间歇冲击疗法治疗 趾甲真菌病(甲母质未受累)的疗效和在血清及甲中药物水平的变化。
A fighter jet a piece of Britney Spears'chewing gum and even some toenail clippings have all been sold on eBay .
战斗机、一块布兰妮·斯皮尔斯嚼过的口香糖,甚至 脚趾甲屑都曾经在易趣上出售。
Is a bunion corn ingrown toenail or a bad case of athlete 's foot causing you foot pain or embarrassment ? Keep your feet healthy by learning to recognize and treat common foot problems .
是否有因为拇趾囊肿,鸡眼, 趾甲内生或是严重的脚癣而脚疼或是感到尴尬的经历?
The strip of hardened skin at the base and sides of a fingernail or toenail .
角质层位于指甲或 趾甲基部边缘的硬化带状皮肤。
Conclusion Treatment of ingrown toenail by means of cutting off and reconstructing nail groove is a favorable method .
结论:甲基质联合甲沟切除重建术是治疗 嵌甲 症的理想方法。
All patients undergoing toenail surgery should receive appropriate education regarding postoperative care .
所有患者 趾甲手术应该得到适当的教育 以及相关术后护理。
Toenail nicotine levels were found to be a strong predictor of lung cancer .
发现 指甲中尼古丁含量水平是预测肺癌的重要 指示。
Scientists say they have found a new way to predict lung cancer-by looking at a person 's toenail clippings .
科学家称已经找到了新的预测肺癌的方法&通过观察人的 指甲切片。
And you could collect toenail clippings for fun .
你可以在里面收集 脚趾甲解闷。
Trace iron cobalt nickel cadmium in toenail were determined by using that method with satisfactory results .
用本法测定了 人 趾甲 样品的微量铁、钴、镍和 钢,获得了满意的结果。
You should cut your toenail .
你应该剪一剪你的 脚趾甲了。
Conclusion : This operation method rectificaed the anatomy pathological changes of severe ingrown toenail disease and obviously elevated the clinic cure rate .
结论:甲沟成形术是针对嵌甲 症病理改变所进行的手术设计,可矫正足 嵌甲 症的解剖病变,疗效明显,值得推广。