



  • This exacted a heavy toll in terms of time money and organizational well-being .

    这种情况在时间、金钱和组织健康方面都给企业造成了沉重的 代价

  • This takes a serious toll on our self esteem and confidence .

    这对我们的自尊和自信造成了严重而 不佳 影响

  • The Iraq and Afghanistan wars took a heavy toll on national self-confidence .

    伊拉克和阿富汗战争 沉重 打击了英国的民族自信心。

  • It 's true that sleeping with a snorer can take a toll on your health .

    和一个打鼾者同床共枕会让你为健康 付出 代价是千真万确的。

  • According to the characteristics of networking toll expressways a path identification method based on probability analysis was proposed .

    根据高速公路联网 收费的特点,提出了一种基于概率分析的路径识别方法。

  • Tobacco 's death toll has accelerated .

    烟草死亡的 人数 增多了。

  • Higher fuel prices took their toll .

    燃料提价 产生恶果

  • The strain of a violent ground campaign will exact a toll on troops .

    激烈的地面战役带来的紧张压力将 军队 付出 代价

  • The food fuel and financial crises however have taken a heavy toll .

    粮食,燃料和金融危机,但是,已经采取了沉重的 代价

  • Winter takes its toll on your health

    冬天对健康 不利

  • This has taken a great toll on me personally and professionally

    这给我的个人生活和我的工作都造成了严重的 不良 影响

  • The work the secrecy and the danger take their toll .

    这项工作以及它的秘密性和危险性 损害了他。

  • Collection of this year 's road toll has already been started .

    现在已经开始稽征今年的 养路费了。

  • The bell began to toll the moment the hour and minute hands coincided .

    时针和分针叠合的刹那,钟声 敲响了。

  • the second highest annual murder toll in that city 's history .

    年谋杀案件 总数处于该市历史上的第二高位

  • The daily toll of casualties has dropped off sharply .

    每日 伤亡人数已经大大减少。

  • And it 's starting to take a toll on me and the kids .

    现在已经 影响到我和孩子们了。

  • Clarke says his team could have lasted another 15 days before fatigue would have begun to take a toll .

    克拉克说,他的团队本来还可以再坚持15天,只是疲劳可能会 造成 严重 后果,只好 作罢

  • The study reported on the enormous toll this takes on the health and well-being of women around the world .

    该项研究报告了这对世界各地妇女的健康和福祉造成的严重 影响

  • The pilgrims tolled the bell .

    朝圣者 缓缓 敲响了钟。

  • ' It 's almost eight o'clock . ' As if on cue the bell in the chapel began to toll for Matins .

    “快8点了。”恰好在这时小教堂晨祷的 钟声敲响了。

  • The crisis has taken a toll on quoted and private newspaper groups .

    危机 上市和私人所有的报业集团都付出了 代价

  • a high exchange rate took a heavy toll on industry .

    高汇率使工业 蒙受了严重 损失

  • The number of toll stations and high fees increase the cost of transport and logistics .

    数量众多的 收费站和高额的过路费加大了物流成本。

  • Abstract : toll Plaza on highway has seriously influenced on highway operation and management .

    文摘: 收费广场的设立对高速公路运营和管理构成了严重的影响。

  • Official reports put the death toll at under one hundred but unofficial estimates speak of at least two hundred dead .

    官方报道说死亡 人数在100人以下,但非官方估计至少有200人死亡。

  • Church bells tolled and black flags fluttered

    教堂丧钟 敲响,黑色的旗帜飘动。

  • That battle took a heavy toll of the Taiping troops for they were attacked front and rear .

    那次战役太平军因腹背受敌, 伤亡 惨重

  • There are fears that the casualty toll may be higher .

    有人担心 伤亡 总数可能会更高。