toll house

[tol haʊs][təul haus]


  • Nestle USA on Friday voluntarily recalled its Toll House refrigerated cookie dough products after a number of illnesses were reported by those who ate the dough raw .

    近期,美国境内多人食用雀巢 Toll House生曲奇后染病。雀巢美国分公司于上周五(6月19日)自动召回所有TollHouse冷冻曲奇产品。

  • Nestle USA which manufactures and markets the Toll House cookie dough is fully cooperating with the ongoing investigation by the FDA and CDC .

    美国雀巢公司,生产和出售这些家用 小饼,已经与FDA和CDC的调查密切配合起来。

  • Nestle holds a 41 percent share of the prepared cookie dough market . There are about 550 employees at the facility just across the border with North Carolina about half making Toll House products .

    长久以来,在预制曲奇饼市场,雀巢公司占据了41%的份额,仅在北卡罗来纳州边界一带就拥有550名员工。其中约半数负责生产 Toll House产品。

  • Although the area is still relatively quiet even in Summer tourism has begun to take its toll with increasing house prices busier towns and most worryingly pollution to the lake itself .

    虽然这里的夏日依旧很宁静,但随着 房价的上涨、商业区的暴增,还有最恼人的污染的加剧,旅游业已经开始对这里 造成 损害

  • The New Method of Open Toll House in Main Line Construction and High Interchange

    主线施工不封闭 收费 及高接高互通立交的新方法

  • The FDA advises that if consumers have any prepackaged refrigerated Nestle Toll House cookie dough products in their home that they throw them away .

    FDA建议消费者家里若有这些雀巢的预压缩冷冻家常 小饼,都需要将其丢弃。

  • Retailers restaurateurs and personnel at other food-service operations should not sell or serve any Nestle Toll House prepackaged refrigerated cookie dough products subject to the recall .

    零售商,餐馆,和其他食物服务部门的人事部门都不能出售或提供任何的这些 小饼,以相应这项召回政策。

  • The company said the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control are investigating reported E.coli illnesses that might be related eating the dough .

    雀巢公司表示,目前(美国)食品及药物管理局(FDA)和疾病控制中心(CDC)正在对此进行调查。有报告称食用 Toll House 曲奇可能会导致感染大肠杆菌。

  • Individuals who have recently eaten prepackaged refrigerated Toll House cookie dough and have experienced any of these symptoms should contact their doctor or health care provider immediately .

    食用了预压缩冷冻家常 小饼和出现了这些症状的个体需要立即联系他们的医生和健康顾问。