token value

[ˈtokən ˈvælju][ˈtəukən ˈvælju]

[计] 权标值

  • For instance if you have a % union declaration that includes both integer and pointer values and you declare a token to use the pointer value but your lexer fills in the integer value

    例如,如果您有一个既包括整型值又包括指针型值的%union声明,而且您声明了一个 记号来使用指针类型的 ,但是您的lexer却赋与其整型的值

  • When Token and Value are combined with Identified and Identifier Token & Value configuration produces two coding equatives ( decoding and encoding ) .

    标记- 价值与别识别者-识别者两组范畴结合形成的两种编码结构(解码等式与编码等式)。

  • The table does not have a row change timestamp column : A ROW CHANGE TOKEN expression returns a derived BIGINT value that is shared by all rows located on the same page .

    表没有定义行修改时间戳列:ROWCHANGE TOKEN表达式返回一个派生的BIGINT ,由同一页面中的所有行共享。

  • A security token can be any value but is typically a symbol a canonical string that does not exist anywhere else .

    一个安全 令牌可以是任何 ,但通常是一个不在其他地方存在的符号或者规范的字符串。

  • Each token ( word ) is then emitted to stdout with an associated value of1 ( separated by a tab ) .

    使用为1的相关 (通过选项卡分隔)将每一个 标记(单词)发送到stdout。

  • However in this instance you split the value up using the defined separator / then take the second token working right to left and substitute that value in .

    但是,在这个示例中,您使用分隔符/分隔这个值,然后从右至左提取第二个 标记 并用该 替代。

  • The table has a row change timestamp column : A ROW CHANGE TOKEN expression returns a BIGINT value derived from the timestamp value in the column .

    表具有一个行修改时间戳列:ROWCHANGE TOKEN表达式返回一个从列的时间戳值获得的BIGINT

  • Conclusion : ① Token test has value of diagnosis to aphasic patient in Chinese .

    结论① Token测验对汉语失语症患者有诊断 作用

  • It was beginning to acquire a token value apart from its intrinsic worth . The supervisor always start his new employee on the lobster shift .

    它开始成为脱离其内在价值的一种 价值 符号了。领导总是让刚开始工作的新职员值夜班。

  • This token must have a string value after the separator .

    对于该 令牌,必须在分隔符之后给出串

  • At the same token the proposition that both of the desire to establish relationship with the enterprise and value contribution are decision-making variables to identify target customer in B2C relationship marketing can be concluded .

    由此得出关系建立的意愿和 价值贡献是判断B2C关系营销中目标客户的决策依据的结论。

  • As for a random signal self-correlated function can always be the integrate token of its statistic average value .

    对于一个随机信号,自相关函数往往最能完整 地表征它的统计平均

  • Finally the Java System . out . println () code that 's generated in the parser is able to get at the internals of that token at parse time using t.image to access and print out its textual value .

    最后,在解析器中生成的JavaSystem.out.println()代码可以在解析时在那个 记号的内部使用t.image进行访问并且打印其文本

  • The contents of the proof token define the shared secret value used as the basis for symmetric encryption .

    此proof 令牌的内容定义了这个共享的秘密 以用作非对称加密的基础。

  • According to the change of the token value and the algorithm presented in this paper the final goal of the weighted fuzzy reasoning can be calculated .

    通过 token 的变化以及文中给出的算法就可以计算出加权模糊推理的最终目标。

  • As the token is specified as a positive rather than negative value the token taken is worked from left to right .

    由于 标记被指定为正值而不是 负值,提取的 将使用从左到右的顺序。

  • If the cursor finds no appropriate token to move to it remains where it is and a value of false is returned to indicate that the cursor didn 't move .

    如果游标没有发现可以移动到的适当 标志,那么它将保留在原位,并 返回“false”表示游标没有移动。

  • You could use other defined values for the IncludeToken attribute to specify other uses of the token but for a UsernameToken this is generally the only value that makes sense .

    还可以为IncludeToken属性定义其他值来指定不同的 令牌用途,但是对于UsernameToken,这通常是惟一有效的

  • An application can compare the current row change token value of a row with the row change token value that was stored when the row was last fetched to determine whether the row has changed .

    应用程序可以将某行的当前行修改 标记 与上次取回行时保存的行修改标记值进行比较,以判断行是否发生修改。

  • The writer believes that political novel is the token of new intellectuals ′ Utopia spirit and expression of the value position and aesthetic persuasion of intellectuals in the special history .

    作者认为,政治小说是晚清精英知识分子乌托邦精神的 表征,体现了特定历史时期知识分子的 价值立场和审美追求。

  • Method trace is invoked on the command line by adding the methods keyword token as well as setting the value of mt to one of the destination keywords ( maximal minimal print ) .

    在命令行上调用方法跟踪的办法是,添加methods关键字 标志并将mt设置给目的地关键字之一( maximal、minimal、print)。