tolerance zone


  • Analysis of the least Material Principle by the Dynamic Tolerance Zone

    用动态 公差 对最小实体原则的分析

  • Then in the foundation of tolerance mathematical definition theory each tolerance zone 's mathematical model was established by inequality based on degrees of feature .

    然后,在公差数学定义理论的基础,基于要素的自由度分析,采用不等式约束方程的形式建立各 公差 的数学模型。

  • Testing Center Distance Tolerance Zone and Measurement of the Functional Width of Teeth

    齿轮新标准下检测中心距 公差 和功能齿厚测量

  • In addition the calculation method of aperture shrinkage is derived and the real machining tolerance zone of bushing aperture is determined .

    另外推导了孔径收缩量的计算方法,确定了 衬套孔径的实际加工 尺寸 公差

  • In this article the author analyses the concept of the direction and position of geometrical tolerance zone and makes a suggestion of using the five factor method to analyse geometrical tolerance zone .

    分析了形位 公差 方向的概念,阐述了形位公差 方位的概念,建议采用“五因素”分析法来分析形位公差带。

  • The cause of false junks the determination of tolerance zone and the false junks zone formulations of multi-loop size of chain were give under the analysis of a example .

    对零件产生假废品的原因进行分析,提出了基于极限尺寸 动的假废品判别方法,并指出了零件假废品出现的 区域、零件假废品区域同基准不重合误差的关系。

  • A Superficial Comment on Five Factor Method of Analysis for Geometrical Tolerance Zone

    浅谈形位 公差 的五因素分析法

  • Based on the method of kinematic analysis in robotics screw parameter and constraint inequation of self - and cross - referenced tolerance zone are investigated ;

    基于机器人学中的运动学分析方法研究了自参考和互参考 公差 的旋量参数及其约束不等式;

  • In this meantime also introduces the relative tooth and trace error tolerance zone designed tooth and trace the curvilinear figure of the designing tooth trace .

    同时,文中还介绍了与此相关的齿形、齿向误差及 公差 ,设计齿形、齿向和设计齿形、齿向曲线图。

  • When there are several tolerance on one feature the constrain relationship between each tolerance zone was established .

    当同一要素存在多个形位公差要求时,建立各 公差 之间的约束关系。

  • Service has different types and different services have different tolerance zone 's managements .

    服务可分为不同类型,不同服务类型其 容忍 管理也不同。

  • The method of calculating an assembly chain by the relative tolerance zone is discussed .

    讨论了用协调 公差 解装配 尺寸链的方法。

  • A new quality oriented statistical tolerance and the representation of statistical tolerance zone are discussed on the basis of statistical dimensional tolerance standards of Germany and China as well as the existing representations of statistical tolerance zone .

    在对德、中两国统计尺寸公差标准和现有统计公差及公差带表示方式简要介绍的基础上,重点讨论了作者提出的一种基于质量目标的统计公差模式和统计 公差 的表达。

  • Determining the Basic Deviation of a Hole with Tolerance Zone Displacement Method

    公差 位移法确定孔的基本偏差

  • Application of tolerance zone to calculating locating error with two points method through calculation

    公差 在两点法计算定位误差中的应用

  • Interpreted the formation and function of the testing center distance tolerance zone ( the radial composite testing tolerance zone ) passed an opinion to the meanings of one symbol ;

    解释了检测中心距 公差 (径向综合测试公差带)的形成和作用,对个别代号的含义提出了看法;

  • This requires rationally designing the size and tolerance zone of calculative utensil .

    这就要求计量器具的尺寸和 公差 设计要合理。

  • This paper introduced the approach of combining the two points method and tolerance zone theory to solve the calculation of complex locating problem which frequently encountered in the process of practical engineering work .

    本文介绍了将两点法和 公差 理论相结合来解决实际工作过程中经常遇到的较复杂的定位误差计算的工程实际问题。

  • The applications of the extension tolerance zone are introduced in order to guarantee the assembly and design .

    为了保证零件装配,并满足产品设计要求,介绍了延伸 公差 的三种应用场合。

  • This paper describes the application of projected tolerance zone mainly in threaded parts and parts with interference fit to control the tole ranee in position or symmetry so that the function and assembling of these parts be ensured .

    本文论述了延伸 公差 的应用,主要用于螺纹件及压配合零件的连接,控制位置度和对称度的公差,以保证零件的功能要求和顺利装配。

  • A New Quality-oriented Statistical Tolerance and the Representation of Statistical Tolerance Zone

    一种基于质量目标的统计公差和统计 公差 的表达

  • A system formed by both the tolerance zone of the shaft with definite basic deviation and that of the hole with different basic deviations .

    一定的轴的公差带与不同基本偏差的孔的 公差 形成各种 配合的一种制度。

  • Realize that zone 's enterprises have the ability of custom tolerance zone 's management and can manage custom 's satisfactions in the course of services efficiently have important meaning to service business .

    认识到企业具有管理顾客 容忍 的能力,并能在服务过程中对顾客的满意状态进行有效管理,对服务营销具有十分重要的意义。

  • Through using of degree of freedom and tolerance zone of a feature Assembly model is established to present fit feature component feature assembly geometric relation assembly dimension assembly tolerance and assembly datum etc.

    利用特征自由度和特征 公差 ,建立装配模型来表示装配设计中的配合特征、零件特征、装配几何关系、装配尺寸关系、装配公差关系以及装配基准参照系等。

  • The paper discusses the determination of cam phase angle and its inspection and measurement based on that tolerance zone of the cam profile shape is decided by the ideal geometry curve and the design requirements after referring to GB / T1182-1996 general rule .

    参照GB/T1182-1996通则要求,从凸轮型线形状 公差 取决于被测凸轮的几何理想形状和设计要求入手,论述了凸轮相位角的确定方法并以此来检测凸轮升程。

  • In virtue of the concepts of process capability indices the model of work time in the supply chains process is established by statistics tolerance method . The model includes tolerance value time scope and tolerance zone of every work time .

    结合过程能力指数的概念,运用统计容差法构建出供应链流程作业时间模型,该模型包括企业内各流程作业时间的宽容值、时间范围和 宽容 区间

  • Disposing the optimum location of a relative tolerance zone of the closed dimension can simplify the adjustment process of an assembly production .

    将封闭环协调 公差 配置在最佳位置,可使产品装配的调校过程简化。

  • According to the characteristics the missile structure this paper puts forward the concept of three-dimension tolerance zone and the centroid of missile is adjusted into the allowable range .

    针对导弹的结构特点,提出了三维 公差 的概念,利用优化算法,在零部件质心位置的三维 公差 ,将导弹装配体的质心调节到允许的范围内。