toll of road

[tol ʌv rəʊd][təul ɔv roʊd]

[法] 公路税

  • The analysis of Expressway toll lane splitting under complexity of road network

    复杂 路网下的高速公路 联网 收费 清分的现状分析

  • It is also put forward that the proper strategies to control the overloading in China are to regulate the highway transportation market and reduce the toll charge of toll road .

    适合我国现状的治超策略在于治理运输市场和降低 公路 收费

  • However ignited the conversion overloading of vehicles with highway toll highlights the growing conflict but have not re-introduction of a charge of road maintenance costs climbed sharply .

    但随之引发的改装、超载车辆与高速公路 收费矛盾也日益突显,而未实施计重收费的 公路养护成本急剧攀升。

  • Toll roads play an important role in the road network of China . According to microeconomics this paper discussed the road service and operation including its natures production characteristics cost of production and consumption monopolistic market .

    收费公路在中国干线公路网中占据了非常重要的地位,解析 公路服务的生产与市场结构是研究公路以及收费公路如何运营以及运营是否满足经济效率问题的基础。

  • The author thinks the government can give Operation Toll Highway favorable tax for attracting the civilian capital to invest into the field of road traffic .

    本文认为,为了吸引民间资本投入 公路交通领域,可以对 收费经营公路实行税费优惠政策。

  • This study also concentrates on the application of traffic jam toll in transportation management suggests corresponding models and methods for establishing the toll criterion and studies the influence of overloading on road operating costs .

    研究了交通拥挤收费在交通管理中的应用,提出了相应的 收费标准制定模型和方法;论述了车辆超载对 公路营运成本的影响。

  • Rood - Toll Principles and Methods of Determining Road - Toll Standards

    公路 收费原则及其收费标准的确定方法 探讨

  • Toll Theory And Method Of Road Jammed With Traffic

    拥挤 道路使用 收费理论与方法探索

  • In 2004 the toll roads issued regulations for the administration of highway construction management fee explicitly proposed can execute unified management unified loans unified reimbursement is the road collect fees owing on the loan policy of the further deepening .

    2004年出台的《 收费公路管理条例》中明确提出收费公路建设管理可以实行统一管理、统一贷款、统一还款,是继贷款 修路、收费还贷政策的进一步深化。

  • Toll system design of Hangzhou circle city road

    杭州绕城 收费系统方案设计

  • Introduces toll road classify and the emergence and development of toll road . Discusses the identities of toll road such as natural monopolization quasi-public goods and benefit of difference .

    介绍收费公路分类及其特点,分析了 收费公路的产生与发展,论述了收费还贷 公路的准公共物品特性、自然垄断属性和级差效益,对公路收费的合理性进行分析。

  • In recent years it has been during the famous Brazilian carnival that the toll of road deaths and injuries has hit some of the highest recorded levels .

    近年来,巴西著名的狂欢节期间, 道路死亡和伤害 人数屡创纪录。

  • Finally the regular pattern of each major components ( delay at tollgate trip time on road and trip time converted from toll fee ) varying with length of toll road is discussed with an example .

    最后,通过一示例,讨论了在 收费道路交通阻抗中,各主要组成部分(收费口延误、道路行驶时间及通行费换算时间)随收费 道路长度的变化规律。

  • This paper studies the defects in making toll standards of the freeway and from the point of the road users sets up bi-level programming model based on value of time .

    针对当前 收费标准制定中存在的不足,从 公路使用者角度出发,建立了基于时间价值的公路网络双层规划模型;

  • 2007 World Bank annual thematic report says : China has benefited from the policy of toll roads the rapid development of national road network represented by the highways has greatly improved its market competitiveness .

    世界银行2007年度专题研究报告指出:中国得益于 收费公路政策,以高速公路为代表的国家 公路网快速发展,提高了中国的市场竞争力。

  • Electronic Toll Collection technology ( ETC ) is one kind of new electronic automatic toll technology that on international is developing and is promoted popular diligently in the road the bridge and the tunnel at present .

    电子 收费Electronic TollCollection,ETC)技术是目前国际上正在努力开发并推广普及的一种用于 公路、桥梁和隧道的新型电子自动收费技术。

  • By analyzing the problem about vehicle classification on freeway toll collection system this article put forward that vehicle should be classified by integration of road operators influence on traffic capability in freeway and road user .

    通过对目前高速公路 收费系统中车型分类存在的问题分析,提出了车型分类应综合考虑 道路经营者、对高速公路通行能力的影响、道路使用者三方面因素。

  • Research on the Toll Model and Algorithm in a class of Road Jammed with Traffic in a Combined Travel Network Based on Elastic Demand

    一类弹性需求下组合出行网络拥挤 道路 收费模型与算法研究

  • Explains how large-scale toll road is produced using game theory . Narrates the efficiency limitation of toll road with property right theory .

    用博弈论分析了 收费 还贷公路规模过大的原因,用产权理论分析了收费还贷 公路的内在效率缺陷。

  • Benefit from toll road policy and road maintenance fee China has witnessed rapid development of road construction which fundamentally changed the backward transportation condition of our country and made significant contribution to national economic and social development .

    得益于 收费公路政策和养路费,我国的 公路建设取得了突飞猛进的发展,从根本上改变了我国交通落后的局面,为国民经济和社会发展做出了重大贡献。