timing program

[ˈtaɪmɪŋ ˈproˌɡræm][ˈtaɪmɪŋ ˈprəuɡræm]

[计] 计时程序

  • Methods and skills using timing sequence diagram to proceed with PLC programming and program analysis were introduced particularly the drawing of timing sequence and programming procedure in light with design requirement and using timing sequence to know the procedure and analysis of programming .

    讲述利用 时序图进行PLC编程和 程序分析的方法和技巧。着重介绍了如何根据设计要求绘制时序图和编写程序,并应用时序图了解程序的执行过程和进行程序分析。

  • According to different pattern the best timing plan can be worked out by the signal timing optimizing program and the simulated software .

    针对不同的交通网络状态模式,用信号 优化 程序和仿真软件算出每种模式的最佳配时方案;

  • When the application makes an intensive use of timing functions a more efficient implementation of the timing routines can improve the overall performance of the program .

    当应用程序深入使用这些时间函数时,更有效地使用这些与 时间有关的函数,可以改进 程序的整体性能。

  • Anti angiogenic cancer therapy is important for selecting the timing and method of operation and program of complex treatment and enhancing the five year survival rate of patients with colon cancer .

    肿瘤的抗血管生成治疗对选择手术 时机和方式、 制定综合治疗 方案,提高结肠癌患者5年生存率都具有重要意义。

  • It is proposed that data acquisition is controlled by the timing interrupt which is generated by the timer or counter of industrial control computer with STD bus . The programing technique and detailed C Language source code program are given out .

    提出了一种利用STD总线工业控制机自身的定时器/计数器产生 定时中断来控制数据采集的方法,给出了应用时的编程技术和具体的C语言源 程序

  • The SCM applied in ionospheric sounding radar makes the timing of coder in the radar program - mable .

    将单片机应用于电离层探测雷达中,软化了雷达编码器的 时序

  • This paper introduces component of frequency conversion timing system of seed-metering device laboratory table using program design method to realize serial communication be - tween a computer and a transducer .

    介绍了排种器试验台变频 调速系统的系统组成,以及实现计算机与变频器之间串行通讯的硬件构成及 程序设计方法,以此实现了计算机与变频器的串行通讯。

  • Firstly the CCD driver timing program was designed based on the thinking of state machine by VHDL language . The simulation results show that each timing signal could satisfy the need of Array CCD .

    首先利用VHDL语言,采用状态机的思想进行了CCD驱动 时序的设计,仿真结果表明,所设计的驱动 时序 发生器产生的各个驱动时序信号完全满足面阵CCD的需要。

  • After the functional and timing simulation the FPGA program developed by hardware description language is put into practice by actually writing into the device through the JTAG download cable . Together with the remote data server the preliminary test of the overall system is completed .

    在对硬件描述语言编写的FPGA 程序进行了功能及时 仿真后,通过JTAG下载电缆写入到设备上进行了实际运行,配合远程数据服务器,完成了整体系统的初步调试。

  • Reversal current chronopotentiometry have to restrict sampling interval . To solve this problem timing control is applied in electric relay . Timer control which is included in Delphi is used in the program . Program of controlling electric relay is executed every 4 seconds .

    为了解决使用电流反向法必须要限制采样间隔的问题,我们对继电器实施 定时控制,在 编程中使用Delphi中的时钟控件(timer),每4秒钟执行一次程序。

  • Windows 2000 Server Timing Shutdown Program Based on Delphi

    基于Delphi的Windows2000服务器 定时关机 程序

  • She said the decisions on timing and deployment of the system are largely technical matters and said Iranian behavior would be a key factor in whether the program ultimately goes forward .

    她说,关于导弹防御系统部署 时间的决定“基本上属于技术层面”的问题,但这 计划最终是否会进一步进行,伊朗的行为是个关键因素。

  • The paper introduces the application of Frequency Conversion Timing and gives the communication and transducer configuration with S7-200 free port control four transducers . It also lists the STEP 7 program .

    本文介绍了PLC在起重机变频 调速 控制中的应用,给出了用S7-200自由口控制数台变频器的通信及进行变频器参数设置的方法,并通过STEP7 编程进行了具体实现。

  • By skillful application of timing sequence diagram in programming and program analysis the programming of PLAC could be faster .

    通过 时序图在编程和 程序分析中的巧妙应用,可使PLC的编程更加快速。

  • Module functions of the timing interruption program are described .

    简述了 定时中断 程序各模块的主要功能。

  • The software for control system was designed according to the timing requirement the main program and the interrupt service program were highlighted .

    根据热丝TIG焊的 时序要求,设计了控制系统的软件,重点介绍了主 程序和中断服务程序。

  • Postal electronic branch office systems financial data download platform the e-commerce platform download business data this part of the data using the daily timing of the implementation of the program will be open daily basic business data into the working hours system .

    系统需要从邮政电子化支局系统、金融数掘下载平台、电子商务平台下载营业数据,这部分数据采用每日 定时执行 程序将每日营业的基础业务数据导入本工时系统。

  • Control system software of upper PC was compiled with VB6.0 system program of the intelligent traffic signal machine was compiled with assemble language timing interrupt service routine was partitioned into 100ms 0.5s and 1s program segment .

    上位机控制系统软件用VB6.0编程,信号机系统程序用汇编语言编写,其 定时中断处理程序分为100ms,0.5s和1s 程序段。

  • Many functions of time operation are provided in Windows and VC they are used to do accurate timing in control program .

    Windows和VC中提供了很多关于时间操作的函数,利用它们控制 程序能够精确地完成 定时 计时操作。

  • Economic Analysis of the Intersection Signal Timing Program

    平面交叉口信号 方案的经济性分析

  • The article is based on automotive development program management characteristics to use the WBS to break down and definite the program activities summed up a solution to develop a program timing which suitable to the domestic vehicle development program .

    本文基于汽车研发项目管理特点,运用WBS技术分解、定义项目活动,总结出一套适合于国内轿车研发 项目 进度 计划 制订 方法

  • Dynamic speed-restricting sign has two working of timing and time . Microcontroller controls motors turning to change the value of restricted speed using the program .

    动态限速标志具有 定时和定次两种工作方式,单片机通过 程序控制电机转动,转换限速值。

  • The engine spark timing and the basic e-jection amount were controlled by the standard SDS hand-held programmer so as to program the ECU ( e-lectronic control unit ) .

    点火 时间与基本喷油量,使用一个标准的手持式液晶显示编程器对电控单元进行 编程

  • Analyze the protocol and the transaction timing of Front Side Bus write the HDL program of Front Side Bus .

    分析处理器模件前端总线协议与事务 时序,编写前端总线的硬件描述语言 程序