


  • The moon had risen higher and floating in the Sound was a triangle of silver scales trembling a little to the stiff tinny drip of the banjoes on the lawn .

    月亮升得更高了,海湾里飘着一副三角形的银色天秤,随着草坪上班卓琴 铿锵的琴声微微颤动。

  • It is one of the cheapest cars on the market with tinny bodywork .

    那是市场上最廉价的汽车之一,车身用 劣质 金属制成。

  • In recent years America has promoted the Internet as a menace to foreign censorship . That sounds tinny now .

    近些年来美国一直利用互联网威吓国外的审查制度, 现在这种声音已经 细弱 了。

  • The tinny invisible strings of string theory were supposed to be the fundamental building blocks of all the matter in the universe .

    弦理论中的 一直被认为是构建这个宇宙中万物的基本元素。

  • These sardines have a tinny flavor .

    这些沙丁鱼有 马口铁 罐头的味道。

  • They can be very tinny or huge !

    他们可 有的 ,有的 很大!

  • Many times tinny happiness can easily drown us but we are so insensitive to neglect them .

    很多时候 细小的幸福都可以轻而易举的淹没我们,只是我们常常出于麻木而忽略。

  • She could hear the tinny strains of a chamber orchestra .

    她能听见室内管弦乐队 尖细的旋律。

  • Tinny canned food . tinned iron container

    铁皮罐头 味道的食物

  • Audio has been reported as Tinny - we are looking in to this .

    有报告称声音 ,我们正着手解决这个问题。

  • He could hear the tinny sound of a radio playing a pop song .

    他能听到收音机播放流行歌曲的 刺耳声音。

  • Others sound tinny or lack the level of ambient noise reduction technology that enables the best headsets to be used even in noisy locations .

    还有一些音色 尖细,或者不具备 环境噪音(ambientnoisereduction)技术 了这种技术,最好的耳机甚至可在嘈杂的场所使用。

  • A tinny voice issued from a speaker .

    扬声器 传出细微的声音。

  • When sulfur dioxide was used as reducing agent to produce chrome tanning agents though production process is easily controlled and qualities of the product are stable the tanning agent is lack of masking effect so that leather made with it is some tinny .

    而用SO2作还原剂,虽然生产过程容易控制,产品质量稳定,但由于缺乏 性,用其鞣制的革 比较

  • The old recording was tinny and high-pitched .

    的录音高亢 尖细

  • At first you can mix just a tinny bit into your favorite meal ( e.g.add spinach to a meatloaf . ) Next try maybe a tablespoon of that food cooked in different ways .

    一开始的时候,你只需往你最爱的食物中添加一点点食材(例如,将菠菜添加到肉饼中)。下一次你可以去尝试下以不同方式烹饪的过的一 汤勺的份量。

  • A bit tinny on the finish but that should disappear with barrel ageing .

    收口 带有 一丝 味道,但经过 木桶陈酿即会消失。

  • As a result of stigmatization some tinny differences have been raised to become symbols which consist of the boundaries of district ethnic groups .

    污名化的结果使不同群体在生活中的一些 细节差别被凸显,成为构成地域族群边界的象征标志。

  • The Mg_2Si appear as blocks and the particles are tinny ; CaSi_2 phase is as the core of the Mg_2 Si grains ;

    Mg2Si的形状为块状,颗粒较细小,Mg2Si的晶核为 CaSi2相。

  • a small tinny voice .

    细小 尖利的嗓音

  • Those tinny bright red candled flowers and leaves as fine as the pine needles made me raptured .

    那些 细小的,嫣红色烛型花,以及松枝一样的细叶。令我特别欢喜。