tin plate

[tɪn plet][tin pleit]


  • Tin plate outer package of wine

    酒的 金属外包装

  • Lunch and dinner were always the same & a tin plate piled with a suspicious pilaff mostly rice with occasional bits of lamb and shreds of vegetable matter of indeterminate origin .

    大都是米,偶尔零星点缀着些许羊 肉末和无法辨明正身的蔬菜屑。

  • Study on the Proeess of Passivation of Tin Plate

    电镀 锡板钝化工艺研究

  • The Effects of Active Layer Thickness on the Characteristics of Amorphous Silicon Thin Film Transistors best charcoal tin plate

    有源层厚度对非晶硅薄膜晶体管特性的影响最优厚 镀锡 钢板

  • Research on tin plate with low differential coating

    差厚 锡板的研制

  • Corrosion Resistance of Electrolytic Tin Plate Used for Food Cans and Its Testing Methods

    罐装食品用电镀 锡板的耐蚀性及其试验方法

  • Study of laser welding tin - plate can body

    马口铁 身的激光焊接

  • For a long time electroplating mechanism and corrosion resistant properties of tin plate has been the special concern of the production enterprises .

    一直以来, 锡板的电沉积和耐蚀性能一直是生产企业特别关心的问题。

  • Manufacturers of parts : tin plate and aluminum containers valves fragrances chemical active agents equipments propellant gases gaskets caps and other items .

    制造商部分: 马口铁和铝容器,阀门,香水,化学活性剂,设备,推进剂气体,垫圈,帽子,和其他物品。

  • We are surprised to hear that you consider our price for tin plate sheets too high .

    得悉贵公司认为 价格太高,颇感意外。

  • The research results also show that the bigger the grains of alloy layer and the neater their arrangement are the better the corrosion resistance of tin plate will be .

    研究结果还表明, 镀锡 合金层的晶粒度越大,晶粒排列越整齐, 镀锡 的耐蚀性也越好。

  • The printing and coating process on tin plate and aluminium plate cans were described .

    简述了 马口 铁罐和铝质罐的印刷涂装工艺。

  • Best coke tin plate Spread the butter thinly .

    最优薄 镀锡钢板薄薄地涂一层黄油。

  • A Study on Production Technology of Halogen Type Tin Plate

    卤素法电镀 锡板生产工艺的研究

  • Methods for determination oil volume on tin plate surface were reviewed which include gravimetry hydrophil balance method molecular spectrometry and ellipsometry etc.

    对测定 镀锡 表面涂油量的测定方法进行了综述,这些方法包括重量法、亲水天平法、分子光谱法和椭圆偏振法等。

  • She leaned forward and lit a lumpy little candle that sat on a tin plate at the center of the table .

    她探身点燃了桌子中央 上一小块儿蜡迹斑斑的蜡烛头。

  • The Design to the Food Packaging in Tin Plate

    食品 马口铁包装产品的设计

  • Factors influencing the corrosion resistance of electrolytic tin plate used for food cans were introduced as well as its test methods .

    综述了影响罐装食品用电镀 锡板耐蚀性能的因素及其试验方法。

  • In this paper the influences of laser beam mode and thermal lens effect on the joints quality and the process of laser welding tin & plate was studied .

    研究了 薄板熔焊(小孔效应焊)时,激光器输出模式及聚焦透镜的热效应对焊接工艺和质量的影响。

  • The control system uses now the most advanced control technology ( the technology to obtain the American patent ): the FMA control technology to tin plate tin thickness for the closed-loop control .

    该控制系统采用了当今最先进的无模型自适应控制技术(FMA)来对 镀锡 锡层厚度进行闭环控制。

  • Determination of oil volume on tin plate surface

    镀锡 表面涂油量测定方法研究

  • The paper describes the functions of secondary refining ( including hot metal treatment ) and puts forward some related proposals based on the future development of continuous casting for production of quality sheet steel tin plate and silicon sheet steel in Shanghai iron and steel industry .

    本文针对上海钢铁工业今后发展优质薄板、 镀锡 和硅钢片钢的连铸生产,论述了炉外精炼技术所起的作用,并提出了有关建议。

  • In modern operations tin is generally deposited on the steel plate by electrolytic action .

    要现代工艺中,一般是用电镀法将 镀在钢 上。

  • Vinyl-coated sheet best charcoal tin plate

    最优厚 层镀锡薄 钢板

  • The high solid content polyester tin plate paints were synthesized via amino resin crosslinked with polyester resin which obtained from glycidyl vessatic acid polyols and polyacids .

    采用叔碳酸酯为原料合成高固体含量聚酯树脂,与甲醚化三聚氰胺甲醛树脂交联制备聚酯 印铁涂料;

  • Application study of cobalt salt as a passivating agent without chromium on tin plate

    钴盐在 镀锡 无铬钝化中的应用研究

  • Development of Tin Electroplated steel Plate


  • Best charcoal tin plate Continuously electrolytic zinc-coated cold-rolled steel sheets and strips

    最优厚 镀锡钢板GB/T15675-1995连续电镀锌冷轧钢板及钢带

  • Synopsis Studies are carried out on the relationship between the chromium content in the chromate passivation film of the tin plate surface and the concentration and temperature of chromate the intensity of the cathodic passivation current and the quantity of electricity .

    研究了 镀锡 表面铬酸盐钝化膜中的含铬量与铬酸盐浓度、温度、阴极钝化电流密度、钝化电量的关系。