



  • Their proportion is such as exactly to match the pale tint which arid ground possesses when seen by moonlight .

    这里 斑马的 黑白 )比例正好和在月光下观看贫瘠土地所具有的苍白 色泽相吻合。

  • She gave me instructions on how to apply the tint .

    她告诉我如何使用 染发

  • I 'm thinking about having an eyelash tint .

    我正考虑染一下眼 睫毛

  • It was almost white having only a slight tint of yellow .

    那几乎全是白色的,只稍微 些许黄色。

  • I use it more like a lash tint .


  • And that is the tint on the windows to the soul .

    这就是心灵的窗户上的 光芒

  • To use a shade or tint click fill effects and then select the options you want .

    若要使用底纹或 淡色,请单击“填充效果”,再选择所需选项。

  • The differences lie in three aspects : different numbers different images and meanings and different cultural tint .

    其不同点表现在三个方面:不同的数量、喻 和意义方面的差别以及文化 色彩的不同。

  • You 've had a tint on your hair

    你已经 过头发了。

  • A liquid preparation used on wet hair to it a tint .

    一种液体 制品,用于湿发 染色

  • Chinese 's young people like putting on the tint the bright clothes to come and the age coordination likes in the holiday putting on the red clothes specially represents the good fortune overhead .

    中国人的年轻人喜欢穿 浅色、明亮的衣服来和年龄配合,特别喜欢在节日里穿红色的衣服,代表红运当头。

  • Don 't assume that you get more UV protection with pricier sunglasses or from glasses with a darker tint .

    不要假设更贵的太阳镜或者更 深色的眼镜就能提供更好的保护。

  • Glass bottles are filled with water tinted with food colourings

    玻璃 瓶中盛满了被食用色素染 的水。

  • This product comes in an aerosol spray can and is safe for use on plastic plexiglass and window tint film .

    这种产品来自喷雾器罐,在塑料、有机玻璃和窗户 色素层上使用非常安全。

  • The constant using and cleaning of the fabric will change the tint of the denim and also the rove and the structure of the fabric .

    由于使用和清洗,粗斜纹棉布的 色彩会发生 细微的变化, 其他一些 天然纤维织物上的粗纺线粒和织物结构也会发生变化。

  • You can 't get up that naturalness and artless rosy tint in after days .

    你今后不再会有这种自然和 朴实无华的红润脸色。

  • It has excellent optical character and pigment performance high purity whiteness tint reducing power and dispersibility .

    它具有优良的光学性质和颜料性能,纯度高,白度, 色彩还原能力和分散性。

  • The soils have a rusty red tint .

    那里的土壤呈锈 红色

  • Its large leaves often show a delicate purple tint

    它的大叶子往往带 紫色

  • Wedding show a tint of local convention in rural Denmark .

    丹麦人的婚礼带有当地传统的 色彩

  • I noticed the bluish tint to his fingertips and his lips .

    我注意到他的手指尖和嘴唇都有点 发紫

  • Haircuts cost £ 2 tints £ 6 .

    理发2英镑, 染发6英镑。

  • We 've addressed the issues that caused display flickering and yellow tint .

    我们已经解决了导致萤幕闪烁与 黄的问题。

  • Green has many different shades and tints .

    绿色分很多不同的色度与 色调

  • Tint is used to simulate an optical effect that very often appears in panoramic photography .


  • Eyebrows can be tinted with the same dye

    眉毛可以 染成同样的颜色。

  • I apply this to my lips and it gives them a slight pink tint . The child beslobbered his bib .

    我把它涂在我的嘴唇上,会使嘴唇稍微有点儿粉。这孩子的口水把 围嘴都弄湿了。

  • Most of the dirt was on the outside of the tinted glass .

    大部分灰尘在 有色玻璃的外部。

  • Rinse essence also called tint is a product used in dyeing hair and keeping a definite color and luster .

    染发精又称 染发 ,是用于染发、使头发保持一定颜色和光泽的产品。

  • In late summer and autumn is seen the tint which is the crowning beauty of the plain .

    在夏末及秋天看见的 色彩,是平原无尽的美丽。