



  • He bought pile after pile of fruit and tinned food for his mother .

    他成堆成堆地给母亲买来水果和 罐头

  • Tinned fruit tinned soup Spam .


  • Cashew nuts ( shelled or unshelled salted and tinned ) All the canned fruits and meats are to be packed in cartons .

    腰果(取壳或未取壳的,加盐和 的)所有水果和肉罐头都用纸板箱包装。

  • ( trademark ) a tinned luncheon meat made largely from pork .

    (商标) 罐装的午餐肉,多数是猪肉。

  • People Bought in stocks of tinned goods in anticipation of food rationing .

    人们预计食品将定量供应所以买进 大量 罐头 食品

  • Fruit must be tinned in natural juice or water with no added sugar or salt and not in syrup which lots of fruit is .

    水果必须是在天然果汁或水中,不添加任何糖或盐,不是在糖浆中。很多水果 罐头用的是糖浆水。

  • We keep store of tinned and freeze food in reserve for use in emergencies .

    我们储存了 许多 听装或冷冻食品以备急用。

  • I like fresh fruit better than tinned fruit .

    我喜欢新鲜水果胜于 罐头水果。

  • I stocked my shop with tinned foods .

    我往我的店里进了 许多 罐头食品。

  • High sugar content snacks include dessert soup cakes chocolate soft drinks sweetened juices and tinned fruit etc.

    高糖类零食包括甜粥、蛋糕、巧克力、软饮料、加糖果汁和水果 罐头等。

  • We have a large stock of tinned fruit .

    我们有大批水果 罐头的存货。

  • Supper that night had consisted of tinned lobster and salad trifle and bread and cheese .

    那晚的晚餐是由龙虾 罐头、沙拉、蛋糕、面包和干酪组成。

  • They had survived on morsels of tinned tuna and water .

    在那之前,他们 仅靠 少量金枪鱼罐头和水活了下来。

  • We have a lot of tinned drinks .

    我们有好多 听装饮料。

  • Selection of critical control points during production of tinned steamed beef for export

    出口清蒸牛肉 罐头生产过程中关键控制点的选择

  • Do tinned fruit and fruit juice count ?

    水果 罐头和果汁算在内吗?

  • He lived on a diet of water and tinned fish

    他仅靠喝水、吃鱼 罐头 过活

  • You find many tinned and frozen foods in our supermarkets don 't you ?

    你在我们的超级市场发现许多 罐装和速冻食品,是不是?

  • People bought in stocks of tinned goods in anticipation of a famine year .

    人们买进 大量 罐头食品以防饥荒的一年。

  • The remaining store of tinned milk was carefully rationed out among the children .

    余存的 罐装牛奶已仔细地分配给孩子们了。

  • She ate tinned food so no need for any deliveries .

    她只吃 罐头食品,不叫外卖。

  • They ate stale cornflakes and cold tinned tomatoes on toast for breakfast the next day .

    第二天他们的早餐是发霉的玉米片,冷的 罐头马铃薯夹吐司。

  • This would be supplemented by a weekly visit to stores to buy tinned and dried foods .

    辅之以每周去趟商店,购买 罐头和干货。

  • Surface nickel-plated or tinned high conductivity and good acclimatization .

    表面镀镍或 ,导电率高,环境适应性好。

  • Preservative is usually added to tinned meat .

    防腐剂通常加在肉类 罐头

  • Food which has been closed up in tins is called tinned food .

    密封在罐头里的食品叫作 罐装食品。

  • Appearance : Back-garden bunkers tinned food and eventually embarrassment .

    表现:后花园地堡, 罐头食品,最终,尴尬。

  • Why do you take so much tinned food with you to France ? Buy local fruit and vegetables-live off the country .

    你为什么要带这么多 罐头食品去法国?就买当地的水果和蔬菜吃好了&就地取食嘛。

  • The varistors consist of a disc of low-ceramic material with two tinned solid copper leads .

    该压敏电阻组成的低陶瓷两个 镀锡实心铜导线材料的光盘。

  • This brand of tinned beans contains no artificial colouring .

    这种品牌的 罐装青豆不含人造色素。