tomorrow evening

[təˈmɔro ˈivnɪŋ][təˈmɔrəu ˈi:vniŋ]


  • Tomorrow evening I will go to your home .

    明天 晚上我会去你家。

  • W : Oh no.I also need this tomorrow evening .

    W:哦,不,我 明天 晚上也需要穿它。

  • The master had wished to meet you tomorrow evening .

    主人希望 明天 傍晚可以和你见面。

  • Yes . I have made a reservation for tea tomorrow evening .

    好的,我预订了 明晚 茶。

  • We will repeat this exercise tomorrow evening .

    明天 晚上我们要重复这项训练。

  • She invited me out for cocktails tomorrow evening .

    她邀我 明天 晚上去喝鸡尾酒。

  • Let 's have the empty city ruse as the second major item for tomorrow evening 's performance .

    明儿 晚上拿《空城计》来压轴。

  • I have to wear it tomorrow evening .

    这件衣服 快件明天 晚上我要穿。

  • Could we have a little talk over dinner tomorrow evening ?

    明天 晚上我们可以吃顿晚餐稍微谈一下吗?

  • But we will do it tomorrow evening .

    但是 明天 晚上我们会 的。

  • By the way would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow evening ? Tomorrow is my birthday .

    顺便问一下, 今天 晚上你想和我一起吃晚餐吗?明天是我的生日。

  • We will meet him at the airport tomorrow evening .

    明天 傍晚我们将在机场为他送行。

  • Thank you for your invitation to dinner at your home tomorrow evening .

    感谢你邀请我于 明日 晚上与你和你的家人共进午餐。

  • I expect to have finished by tomorrow evening .

    我看 明天 晚上之前可以完成。

  • I want the movie tomorrow evening .

    我想要两张 明天 晚上的电影票。

  • I have nothing on tomorrow evening .

    明天 晚上没有 安排

  • Maria : I leave tomorrow evening .

    玛丽亚:我 明天 晚上走。

  • I 'd like to take you and Su out tomorrow evening to dinner to celebrate . How about it ?

    库柏: 明天 晚上我请你和苏吃晚饭庆祝一番,你看怎么样?

  • I 'm sorry I can 't come tomorrow evening I 'm already booked up .

    对不起, 明天 晚上我不能来,我已有约会。

  • Why don 't you come over here tomorrow evening

    明天 晚上过来吧。

  • I 'm going to invite Allan to go for a walk tomorrow evening .

    明天 傍晚我打算邀请阿伦去散步。

  • We have a dinner party on for tomorrow evening .

    明天 晚上我们 打算参加晚宴。

  • What will you be doing at six tomorrow evening ?

    明天 晚上六点钟你将干什么?

  • I 'm having dinner with Janet tomorrow evening .

    明天 晚上我将要和珍妮特一起吃饭。

  • Tomorrow evening we 're to my birthday party .

    明天 晚上,我们将参加我堂兄的生日宴会。

  • Kenny : You must come to my local tomorrow evening .

    肯尼:你 明天 晚上一定要到我 酒店来。

  • See you tomorrow evening .

    明天 傍晚见了。

  • Will you be able to have dinner with me tomorrow evening ?

    明天 晚上你可以和我共进晚餐吗?