time series model

[taɪm ˈsɪriz ˈmɑdl][taim ˈsiəri:z ˈmɔdəl]


  • In the paper we construct a new seasonal adjustment method of time series on the basis of the structural time series model .

    建立一种基于结构 时间 序列 模型的新的时间序列季节调整方法。

  • The Application of the Prediction of the Reported Weekly Incidence of Bacillary Dysentery in Chaoyang District Using the Time Series Model

    时间 序列 分解 在北京市朝阳区细菌性痢疾周报告发病率预测中的应用

  • Storage Reliability Analysis of Explosive Initiator Using Time Series Model

    基于 时序 模型的火工品贮存可靠性分析方法

  • We took more attention on time series model and dynamics model .

    我们更加重点的讨论了 时间 序列 模型和动力系统模型。

  • Research on Chemical Equipment Forecast Based on Time Series Model

    基于 时间 序列 模型的化工设备状态的预测研究

  • We take time series model AR ( 1 ) and MA ( 1 ) as examples .

    时间 序列 模型AR(1)和MA(1)为例进行考虑。

  • A simple and practical scheme is presented for developing a bilinear time series model ( BM ) .

    提出了建立 双线性 模型(BM)的一套简便实用的方案。

  • Based on high order statistics ( HOS ) method a time series model for the spot speeds of successive vehicles on a road section is developed .

    基于高阶统计量方法,建立连续车流地点车速的 时间 序列 分析 模型

  • Application of ARMA Time Series Model in Sale Forecasting

    ARMA 时间 序列 模型在销售预测中的应用

  • The Application of Time Series Model in Forecasting the Population of Changsha

    组合 时间 序列 方法在长沙人口预测中的应用

  • Meta-association Rule Mining for Dynamic Association Rule Based on Time Series Model

    基于 时间 序列 模型的动态关联规则元规则挖掘

  • Establishment and Forecast on Non-Stationary Time Series Model of the Per-capita GDP of Zhejiang Province

    浙江省人均GDP 时间 序列 模型的建立与预测

  • Analysis and Forecast About Mineral Product Price Based on Time Series Model

    基于 时间 序列 模型的矿产品价格分析与预测

  • This worked out forecasting study on certain telecom products by SPSS statistic software with AR1MA time series model .

    本文通过AR1MA 时间 序列 模型,利用SPSS统计软件对某电信产品收入进行了预测研究。

  • The support vector machine based on statistical learning theory is applied to establish a time series model for simulating the monitoring data of dam seepage flow .

    大坝渗流监测分析是 大坝安全监控的重要内容,预测分析的难点之一在于 渗流监测数据往往具有复杂的非线性特点。

  • Time Series Model Based on the Data Mining Business Intelligence

    基于 时间 序列 模型数据挖掘的商务智能

  • We can use linear time series model such as ARMA model for decomposition of interest rates .

    利率构成中预期和未预期部分的分解,可以采用线性 时间 序列 模型:ARMA模型,对其进行刻画。

  • There are many time series problems in the actual production system . To study system structure and regularity we need to build time series model .

    实际生产系统中存在大量时间序列问题,为了研究系统的结构和规律,我们需要建立 时间 序列 模型,对其进行 预测 分析

  • The Chinese population time series models appeared but the Guizhou population time series model have not been researched .

    对全国人口总量时间序列模型,已有很多人进行了一定的研究,对贵州省人口总量 时间 序列 模型还未有人研究。

  • On the Application of Oil Analysis and Time Series Model in Type Approval of Marine Diesel Engine

    油液监测的 时序 模型在船舶柴油机型式认可中的应用研究

  • Telecommunications services over the traditional forecasting models for statistical regression model and time series model .

    电信业务的传统预测模型多为统计回归模型和 时间 序列 模型

  • Objective Aim at the influence factors of the mastacarcinoma patients hospitalized costs the more reasonable cost time series model will be investigated and established .

    目的针对乳腺癌患者住院医疗费用的影响因素,探讨更为合理的费用 时序 模型,为卫生管理部门和医院制定相关政策提供科学依据。

  • This paper fits a period of security time series with both neural network and time series model .

    本文深入分析了传统的 时间 序列 模型和神经网络 模型,并对一定时期内的证券时间序列的拟合效果进行了比较。

  • This conclusion will be guidance and practicality in theory analyzing for time series model in future .

    这一结论在今后 时间 序列 模型的理论分析和实际应用中具有指导性和实用性。

  • Based on the previous work on the road time series model a further development toward the3D road simulation by using double auto-variable time series method was made .

    基于单自变量时序道路模拟原理与方法的拓展,用双自变量 时序 模型对三维随机路面进行刻画。

  • By the relationship of Laplace transform and Z-transform the ARMA time series model for this system is obtained .

    应用拉氏变换和Z变换间关系,得到系统的ARMA 时间 序列 模型

  • Analysis and Forecast on China 's Pork Price Based on Periodicity and Heteroscedasticity Time Series Model

    基于周期异方差 时间 序列 模型的中国猪肉价格分析与预测

  • AR model is wide used time series model .

    时间 序列 模型主要是自回归模型。

  • The Stochastic Volatility models ( SV model ) is a kind of time series model which can reflect fluctuation that can not be observed directly .

    随机波动(SV)模型是一种重要的具有隐性波动的 时间 序列 模型