timed Petri net


  • A Personnel Archives Management System and Its Workflow Model Based on Timed Petri Net

    人事档案管理系统及其 时间 Petri 工作流模型

  • This paper presents the abstraction of double transitions timed Petri Net .

    该文对双层变迁 定时 PETRI NET进行了抽象化。

  • Research on translation method from system level description language System C to timed Petri net

    系统级描述语言SYSTEMC到 时间 Petri 的转换技术

  • This Paper analyses the cryptographic protocol models and introduces a kind of analysis tool called timed Petri net which is served as the formal specification tool of SET ( secure electronic transaction ) protocol .

    对密码协议模型进行了分析,引入 时延 Petri 分析工具,建立了一种新的安全电子交易协议的形式描述工具。

  • Modeling of Work-In-Process Buffer for Group Production Unit Based on Timed Petri Net

    基于 Petri 的成组生产单元缓冲区建模

  • This paper obtains a new fuzzy data fusion method by combining fuzzy logic with fusion technique then models the data fusion system by timed Petri net and gives a formula for calculating reaction time of data fusion system .

    将模糊逻辑与融合技术相结合得到了一种模糊信息融合方法,然后用 时延 Petri 对此信息融合系统建模,并给出了信息融合系统反应时间的一个计算公式。

  • Uses the controlled timed Petri net to set up a model of resource scheduling in distributed system and uses the simulation of Petri net to carry on emulation .

    利用了受控 PETRI NET建立了分布式系统中的资源调度的模型,并应用仿真器进行了仿真。

  • In this paper colored timed Petri net modeling theory for a structured more complex production process modeling .

    本文在面向 对象 Petri 建模理论基础上,针对一个结构完整、较为复杂的生产过程进行建模。

  • A Resource / Task net ( R / T-net ) based on the timed Petri net and the modeling process by using R / T-net for workflow is proposed .

    时间 Petri 的基础上提出了一种称作资源/任务网(R/T-net)的工作流概念模型,并给出了基于R/T-net的工作流建模过程。

  • A Method of Modeling Workflow Based on Timed Petri Net in Which Places Contains a Time Factor

    一种基于库所含时间因素的 时延 Petri 的工作流建模方法

  • On the basis of the maintenance process description a Petri net model is built using colored timed Petri net .

    描述了典型的维修过程,应用 着色 Petri 建立了维修过程的petri网模型。

  • This paper associates Petri Net theory with musical theory and proposes an integrity modeling of musical system based on cyber net system and timed Petri net system .

    把Petri网理论和音乐理论结合起来,提出了一个较完整的用自控网系统和 时间 Petri 建立的乐音体系模型。

  • A Maintenance Process Model Based on Colored Timed Petri Net

    基于 有色 petri 的维修过程模型

  • To improve the capability of managing data conflict and implementing project dynamic management a data management model for aerial project based on timed Petri net was put forward .

    为了提高项目对数据冲突和动态综合管理的能力,提出了一种基于 时间 Petri 的航空项目数据管理模型。

  • A Workflow Model Based on Timed Petri Net

    一种基于 时间 Petri 的工作流模型

  • Research on the Use of Colored Timed Petri Net and Stochastic Petri Net

    有色 时间 Petri 与随机Petri网应用研究

  • Workflow Model with Colored Timed Petri Net and Its Performance Analysis

    基于着色 时间 Petri 的工作流模型及其性能分析

  • Data management model for aerial project based on timed Petri net

    一种基于 时间 Petri 的航空项目数据管理模型

  • A timed Petri net approach to determining the conditions for stability of a reentrant line system with buffer priority scheduling policy is described in this paper .

    描述了一种 时间 Petri 模型和方法,它能对具有缓冲优先调度可重入生产线系统进行稳定性分析。

  • A Timed Petri Net Model and Optimal Control of Chemical Batch Process

    化工间歇过程的 时间 Petri 模型和优化控制

  • A way to modeling a multi-function pipe line with timed Petri net is presented in this paper .

    在单功能流水线的 Petri 模型1 w_530基础上,给出了一种 基于 时延 Petri 的多功能流水线建模方法。

  • Modeling technology for semiconductor wafer fabrication system based on Agent-oriented knowledge colored timed Petri net

    基于多代理的知识有色 Petri 的晶圆制造系统建模方法

  • The security workflow model with the colored and timed Petri net is described and the dynamic authorizing mechanism with read / write security strategy is analyzed .

    应用有色 时间 Petri 对安全工作流模型进行了描述,并结合读/写安全策略对动态授权机制进行了应用分析。

  • Based on the theories of Petri nets and object oriented technology this paper imports factors of time and sets up model of Object Oriented Timed Petri Net .

    论文基于Petri网理论,运用面向对象技术,并引入时间因素,建立了面向对象的 Petri模型(ObjectOriented Timed Petri Net简称OOTPN)。

  • Research on Parallel Test of Combining Timed Petri Net with Genetic-Ant Colony Algorithm

    时间 Petri 与遗传&蚁群算法相结合的并行测试研究

  • Research on modeling and scheduling of stacker via colored timed petri net

    基于着色 Petri 的堆垛机建模与调度研究