



  • Connecting with actual situation this paper introduces some bidding skills commonly used by construction units in engineering bid including unbalanced quotation taking retreat as advance quotation multiple alternative quotation toboggan quotation etc.

    联系实际情况,介绍了施工单位在工程投标中几种常用的报价技巧,包括:不平衡报价 以退为进报价 、多方案报价法、 突然 降价 等。

  • The mitotic index were most high at the fifth day after culture and toboggan at the sixth day .

    分裂指数最高 时期在培养开始后的第五天,第六天 急剧 下降

  • Secondly combining the feedback pulse coupling neural network ( FPCNN ) with toboggan segmentation algorithm this thesis presents a new MRI image segmentation feature extraction methods .

    另一方面将反馈脉冲耦合神经网络与 滑降分割相结合,提出了一种新的MRI图像分割的特征提取算法。

  • In parts of England hundreds of motorists were forced to abandon their vehicles as black ice and drifting snow turned the roads into slippery toboggan runs .

    在英格兰的部分地区,厚厚的冰冻和 飘飞的雪花使道路成为滑雪 跑道,数百名驾车者被迫弃车 步行

  • I enjoy winter the most because I can toboggan !

    我最喜爱冬季,因为我可以 滑雪

  • Results : The tactics finally controlling measles practice and controlling measles studies all aspect gets without exception already enormous achievement incidences of measles death rate toboggan have ensured the people health forcefully notable have improved an average life span .

    结果控制麻疹实践和控制麻疹策略研究诸方面均已取得巨大成绩,麻疹发病率、死亡率的大幅度 下降,有力地保障了人民健康,显著提高了平均寿命。