to the same effect

[tu ði sem ɪˈfɛkt][tu: ðə seim iˈfekt]


  • Rather than pay 3 for cosmetic surgeons to give them eyelids with a more Western appearance they can buy a 3.50 box of ordinary sticking plasters to give the same effect .

    他们不用支付3000英镑来做双眼皮整容手术,仅需花3.5英镑买一盒普通的胶布就能 达到 同样 效果,让自己拥有更加西化的长相。

  • Though economic and racial integration might appear to have the same effect the two policies often produce different student compositions in areas with growing middle-class minority populations .

    尽管经济和种族融合看起来可能具有 同样 效果,但在中产阶层少数民族人口不断增加的地区,这两种政策往往会导致不同的学生构成。

  • He sent a letter and sent a fax to the same effect .

    发一封信并发一封 内容 相同 传真。

  • The central banks of Sweden Slovakia Ireland and Slovenia said they had no plans to sell while Switzerland reiterated a previous statement to the same effect .

    瑞典、斯洛伐克、爱尔兰和斯洛文尼亚央行表示,它们没有售金计划。瑞士央行则重申了一份先前发布 同样表明没有 金计划的声明。

  • You 're now forced to find a way of providing arguments to the mock object instantiation process to achieve the same effect which is precisely why you use RMock .

    您现在必须找到一种方法把参数提供给模拟对象实例化过程 达到 同样 效果,这就是使用RMock的原因。

  • In 1948 the Central Committee issued more directives to the same effect .

    一九四八年,中央发 反对分散主义的指示更多了。

  • I was going to say that I received a letter almost to the same effect .

    “我的意思是我收到一封差不多 一样 。”

  • While XML ( defined in the XML1.0 specification at the W3C ) is a common representation for message exchange between loosely coupled clients and servers JSON is often used to achieve the same effect .

    尽管XML(在W3C的XML1.0规范中定义)是在松散耦合的客户机和服务器之间交换消息时经常使用的表示格式,JSON也常常 用于完成 相同 任务。

  • They then asked another group to put a small sticker in their cars to the same effect .

    然后他们让另一群人在各自的车上放一个 意思 一样 小贴士。

  • In EXML there 's no way to create an element with a namespace-qualified name so I instead create the new element and then set its name to get the same effect .

    在EXML中,无法创建一个带名称空间限定的名称的元素,所以取而代之,我创建新元素,然后设置其名称 达到 相同 效果

  • Now let 's use inline SQL PL to achieve the same effect

    现在,让我们使用内联SQLPL 取得 相同 效果

  • Meanwhile C # is considering adding a dynamic keyword to gain the same effect as Option Strict Off .

    同时,C正在考虑添加动态关键字, 获得和OptionStrictOff 同样 效果

  • I thought it lead to the same effect as that the architectures with different shadows and different materials can create diverse artistic conceptions and bring us diverse feelings .

    我认为这 建筑用虚实 光影、材质的变化创造意境给人不同的感受 一样

  • This method is simulated and is proved to have the same effect of three-point method .

    为验证算法的精度,文中 该算法进行了仿真,发现 三点法的 效果 一致

  • If you haven 't guessed it by now closures can be used to achieve the same effect .

    如果到现在您还没猜出来,那么可以用闭包实现 效果

  • He is quoted as having said something to the same effect .

    有人谈到他说过 同样 意思 话。

  • If your browser doesn 't provide formatting tools on the web page for editing lists you can use HTML elements to produce the same effect .

    如果浏览器未在网页上提供用于编辑列表的格式设置工具,则可以使用html元素 产生 相同 效果

  • Genaro Cortez a lawyer in San Antonio said that he once told all his clients that he was going to a criminal law conference in San Diego and then set up an automatic Out of the Office email to the same effect .

    赫纳罗·科尔特斯( GenaroCortez)是圣安东尼奥市的一位律师。他说,有一次,他告诉所有的客户,他要去圣迭戈参加一个刑法大会,他 还给邮件设置了不在办公室的自动回复。

  • Huge marketing databases are interrogated to achieve the same effect ; the tip system is easy by contrast .

    人们挖掘研究庞大的市场营销数据库,为的 就是达到 相同 效果;相比之下,这种小费制度则很简单。

  • Besides the ideological education to the same effect helps the management and the building of the students associations and spurs the quality education and stabilizes the present situation at university .

    思想政治教育 社团 加强学生社团的建设和管理,推进素质教育和维护学校的稳定有着十分重要的 作用

  • Additionally there are two other attributes that you can set to produce the same effect : aria_title and aria_labelledby .

    此外,设置另外两个属性也可以 达到 同样 效果:ariatitle和arialabelledby。

  • Others point out that it would be far easier to achieve the same effect by urging the central bank to buy more government bonds .

    其他人则指出,通过敦促日本央行购买更多政府债券,将更 容易达到 同样 效果

  • Similarly cold face skin to have the same effect .

    同理,用凉开水洗脸护肤也有 同样 效果

  • So what other approach can I use to get the same effect ?

    那么还有其他方法可以得到 同样 效果吗?

  • You may also be able to get the same effect by other means such as by the use of WSDL includes .

    通过其他方法您也可能 达到 同样 效果,比如通过使用WSDL。

  • However there is an alternate way to get the same effect .

    不过,可以采用一种替代方法 达到 同样 效果

  • It has the added benefit of not needing to increase the dosage daily to get the same effect .

    不需要增加它的剂量 即可获得 同样 功效

  • The corresponding size of an SVG image is smaller as compared to that of the bitmap images which are required to achieve the same effect .

    达到 同样 效果,SVG图像的大小要小于位图。