timing track

[ˈtaɪmɪŋ træk][ˈtaɪmɪŋ træk]


  • The planned timing between raises may be back on track but that does not mean gains will be generous .

    加薪 等待 可能已恢复 正常,但这并不意味着加薪幅度大幅提升。

  • In the compensation current tracking control the system adopts hysteresis control method of timing comparison which can make the output current of main circuit track the directive current and limit the maximum switching frequency of the main circuit switching device .

    对于补偿电流的跟踪控制,采用 定时比较的滞环控制法,使得主电路的输出电流能够 跟踪指令电流的变化,并且限制了主电路开关器件的最高开关频率。

  • To achieve fine symbol timing a loop controlled by numerical controlled oscillator ( NCO ) was used to track the residual timing error and the sampling frequency error after coarse timing acquisition based on a preamble .

    基于前导字进行粗同步估计,并采用数字控制振荡器(NCO)控制的环路对残留符号定时误差和采样频率偏差进行 跟踪补偿,以获得精确符号 同步

  • MP4 in streaming format . One MP4 file consists of timing structure media information such as video and audio express which are related to the timing sequence of the file media data and are connected with each other by track technology .

    MP4文件包含了与媒体数据 时间序列相关的时间、结构、媒体信息(例如音频/视频表达文件),并通过 轨道将它们联系在一起。