

  • Top-ranking sumo wrestlers attain superstar status .


  • But it was also during this decade of reform that top-ranking officials began referring to Hainan as China 's treasure island both for its rich natural resources and its sun-blessed palm-lined beaches .

    但也是在这10年改革期间, 高层官员们开始把海南称为中国的宝岛,这既是因为当地自然资源丰富,也因为这里的海滩阳光灿烂、棕榈树成行。

  • You will enjoy yourself here with top-ranking skills and good-care service .

    温馨的服务, 一流的技术,让您轻松愉快。

  • Although this is qualitative research Ms Kelan believes the findings are applicable to other top-ranking global schools .

    尽管该研究属于定性研究,但凯兰认为,研究结果适用于其它 顶级全球商学院。

  • Both the technology and the equipment have reached the world top-ranking level .

    无论是技术还是设备,都达到了世界 一流水平。

  • Advanced facility top-ranking testing means and stringent control procedures give the products high quality guarantee .

    先进的生产设备, 完善的检测手段,严格的控制程序,是我们的品质保障。

  • According to Skopos rule the top-ranking rule of Skopostheory a translational action is determined by its Skopos .

    目的论的首要法则“目的性 法则”认为:翻译行为所 达到的目的决定整个翻译行为的过程。

  • We will assure the top-ranking production technology and service system and provide the quality products with logical prices .

    我们将以 一流的生产技术、 一流的服务体系,为客户提供品质 优良性能 稳定、价格合理的产品。

  • Top-ranking skill and service are the basis of each technician .


  • Soft Strength : The Source of the Driving Force for Universities Library 's Development Practice on Top-ranking Workshop Management

    软实力高校图书馆发展的动力之源 实力 驾驭 实力 打造 一流车间管理的实践

  • Following Liu at least six top-ranking Communist generals crossed the Yellow River into Central China .

    在刘之后,至少又有六 共军高级将领渡过黄河进入华中。

  • Statistics of citation indicate that there is a big gap between the quality of Chinese sci-tech periodicals and that of international top-ranking journals .

    根据引证数据说明了我国科技期刊与国际 一流期刊有很大差距。

  • Rules and Precepts : Seeking the truth and Innovation School of International Studies One of the24 colleges in Zhejiang University which is owning top-ranking teachers and teaching facilities .

    校训:求是创新(突出)浙江大学外国语言文化与国际交流学院浙江大学的24个学院之一,拥有 一流的师资和教学设施。

  • Our comapy insists on top-ranking quality top-ranking service and hope to cooperate with the clients home and abroad and develop together with each other .

    本公司坚持“ 一流的质量、一流的服务”,希望能同国内外新老客户精诚合作,共谋发展大业。

  • Top-ranking quality big-time efficiency and high-class service make us set up new refulgence together with each brand manufacture shoulder by shoulder and side by side .

    一流的品质、一流的效率、一流的服务使我们与各大商标生产企业并肩携手、共创辉煌,公司和国内众多模切设备生产厂家建立了长期 稳定 战略合作伙伴关系。

  • Believe or not the company will provide its clients star-rated services with top-ranking people advanced facilities professional management and innovative mode of service .

    公司将以 一流的人才 队伍,先进的仪器设备,专业的管理水平,创新的服务形式为广大客户提供星级的服务。

  • Top-ranking students are already finding that they can stay if they want & and many do not .

    优秀的学生已经发现,如果他们想要留在 美国,就能 办到,但问题是很多人并不想。

  • In a report to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission last year Google said that of its 36 executives and top-ranking managers just three are women .

    去年,在向公平就业机会委员会(EqualEmploymentOpportunityCommission)提交的一份报告中,谷歌表示,其36名决策层和 高层管理人员中,只有三名是女性。

  • According to travel agents and online polls the stadium has replaced the Forbidden City as Beijing 's top-ranking attraction for Chinese tourists .

    旅行社及网上调查的数据显示,鸟巢已经取代紫禁城成为北京 吸引全国游客的景点。

  • As one of the top-ranking forwarders our company specialize in logistics and freight transportation .

    我公司是一 货运代理企业之一,是一家专门从事物流货运业务的企业。

  • The individual feels Hospital of Dongguan Dong Hua is the hospital with best dongguan environment equipment is top-ranking but the price also is top-ranking ground expensive !

    个人感觉东莞东华医院是东莞最好的医院,环境,设备都是 一流的,但是价格也是一流地贵!

  • Recently there has been an unusually large number of reports about top-ranking North Korean officials being executed killed in mysterious traffic accidents or declared missing .

    最近,出现了一个不同寻常的约 一流的朝鲜官员正在执行的大量报告,在神秘的交通事故死亡或者被宣告失踪。

  • Did you graduate in the top-ranking of your class ?

    你的毕业成绩 名列前茅吗?

  • Practice on Top-ranking Workshop Management The school has a strong side .

    实力 驾驭 实力& 打造 一流车间管理的实践该校有 实力雄厚的一队。

  • Top-ranking professionals will trump that but still take home substantially less than their Wall Street peers .

    顶级专业人士的 工资会超过这个数目,但拿回家的钱仍然比他们的华尔街同僚少得多。

  • Top-ranking cause needs top-ranking talents and top-ranking talents desire to join in top-ranking team .


  • It is the company of refrigeration equipment production with Hua Dong at present top-ranking area .

    是目前华东地区 一流的制冷设备生产企业。

  • The college has set out to become a top-ranking college with outstanding strength and international influence .

    成为一所实力卓著有国际影响力的 一流 基础性学院。

  • His father also a top-ranking officer had perished during the war

    他的父亲,也是位 高级军官,在战争中牺牲了。

  • Enhance employees'senses of service ; serve lessees top-ranking guarantee of management logistics .

    加强员工服务意识,为商家提供 一流的经营后勤保障。