tomorrow week

[təˈmɔro wik][təˈmɔrəu wi:k]


  • Will you be here tomorrow week ?

    你们 下周 明天在这儿吗?

  • You don 't have to finish every project or meet every goal in your life by tomorrow or even next week .

    你不需要在 明天甚至下一 之前完成人生的每一个计划或实现每一个目标。

  • Adults are addicted to thinking about all the things we have to do tonight tomorrow next week .

    成年人则沉溺于思考我们必须在今晚、 明天下周做的所有事情。

  • Optimistic by nature John thinks tomorrow is better than today and the next week is better than this one .

    姜尔贤为人非常乐观,其人生哲学是 明天一定会比今天好,下个 星期也一样会比这个 星期好。

  • We 're leaving for Europe tomorrow for a two week tour .

    我们 明天要去欧洲旅游两个 星期

  • Leave after lunch shortly after six the day after tomorrow the week after next

    午餐后、刚过六点钟、 后天、下下 星期离去

  • The officers'only responsibility will be to re-light the torch if it is extinguished at any stage tomorrow week .

    军官只负责将重新点燃圣火,如果是熄灭,在任何阶段, 明天 星期

  • The striker is expected back in Milan tomorrow after having treatment on his leg injury in Brazil last week .

    巴西人于 上周在巴西训练是受伤,俱乐部希望他能 明天回来治疗他的伤腿。

  • The day after tomorrow will be the nicest day in the week .

    后天将是正在本 仄死中最好好的一天。

  • Moreover the Chairman has indicated to me that our capacity to execute this mission is not time-sensitive ; it will be effective tomorrow or next week or one month from now .

    此外,参谋长联席会议主席还告诉我,我们执行这项使命的能力不受时间限制; 明天、下个 星期或从现在开始一个月以后都将具备效力。

  • Time is today not tomorrow or next week .

    时间就是今天,不是 明天或下 星期

  • Tomorrow or next week who knows ?

    但是谁能知道 明天或者下 会是什么情况?

  • You can come to my show tomorrow and then you are grounded for a week .

    要么你 明天来我的开幕式,要么就禁足一

  • Tomorrow 's Export Sales report is for last week but wheat sales are expected to be pretty good with estimates at800-1200 .

    明天将会公布 上周的出口销售数据,但是小麦销售预计是相当的好,预计销售量在80万吨到120万吨。

  • We are not going anywhere . today tomorrow next week next month .

    我们哪也不去,今天, 明天下周,下月。

  • I have a quiet coffee shop near home but not many people tomorrow week tomorrow at9:00 pm too late for you I suggest : we meet next week ?

    我家附近有安静的咖啡屋,但是,明天 周未人多, 明天晚9点对于你太迟,我建议:我们下星期见面?

  • Tomorrow or next week frequently turns into never .


  • We are going to begin this work tomorrow . ( next week next month ) .

    我们准备 明天、月)始这项工作。

  • The so-called road show will begin tomorrow and wrap up the week of November 4 .

    路演”将在10月25日正式展开, 计划 持续 整整 时间,一直到11月4日。

  • Professionally I know what Chelsea need to do tomorrow a week from now or two years from now .

    职业上我知道切尔西 明天 计划,或者 下周的计划,乃至几年之后的计划。

  • Ok now go hit the sack but after tomorrow 's test we will have to study seriously for next week 's test no more goofing off .

    明天后你想好好学习,为下 星期的作准备。没问题,我帮你准备,我们俩都会考得很好。

  • I 'll try to phone tomorrow but in any event I 'll write next week .

    明天会打电话的,不管怎样,下个 星期,我会写信。

  • You 're gonna see me tomorrow but not next week .

    明天会见到我的,但下个 星期就不行了。

  • There is an old Spanish Proverb which states Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week .

    有句古老的西班牙谚语: 明天常常是一 中最忙碌的一天。

  • Sam will depart for Japan tomorrow and he 'll return to Taiwan next week .

    山姆 明天将启程前往日本,下 礼拜返回台湾。

  • We do not know the extent of vote-rigging and we have no idea about what will happen tomorrow let alone next week .

    我们不知道本次选举的舞弊情况有多严重,也不知道 明天会发生什么&更遑论下个 星期了。