to the sky

[tu ði skaɪ][tu: ðə skai]


  • Smike boasts to the sky and Ashes to the earth that they are brothers to the fire .

    青烟 向着 天空,灰烬对着大地,他们吹嘘自己都是火的兄弟。

  • Will I wither and fade or bloom to the sky ?

    我会枯萎还是 怒放?

  • The girl 's grandmother held her tight in her arms and rose up to the sky .

    奶奶紧紧地把她抱在怀里,升 天上

  • Weak forces of good and evil was expelled to the sky .

    善良的虚弱的一面和邪恶被驱逐出 天堂

  • The bird fluttered it 's wings and flied to the sky .

    小鸟拍了拍翅膀 飞向 蓝天

  • I do fly back to the sky no matter I have wings or not .

    无论有没有翅膀,我都会飞 天空

  • Lifted me to the sky .

    把我升上了 天空

  • Who is her ? Why she wants to fly to the sky ?

    她是谁?为什麽她要 飞向 天空

  • He looked up to the sky for a while .

    他抬头看了一会儿 天空

  • The old peasant looked to the sky now and then for signs of rain .

    老农民不时 望天,看看有 下雨的迹象。

  • I looked up to the sky and the clouds parted displaying blue sky over the entire circumference of the park .

    仰望 天空和漂浮的云,在整个湖的四周映现了蓝天。

  • If you happen to come across my name and remember me please do me a favor in your heart look up to the sky and say How are you doing ?

    如果你恰巧碰到我的名字和记住我,请你做我的一种恩赐,在你的心, 仰天注视,并说:你怎么做呢?

  • Remember that often look up to the sky .

    记得常常 仰望 天空

  • I will help you get back to the sky !

    我将会帮助你 回到 天上

  • While we waited we saw a bright red fire shooting to the sky .

    在我们等候时,我们看到一团红色的明亮火光射向 天空

  • When you look up to the sky you 'll find birds are persevering in flying .

    当你 仰望 天空,你会发现鸟儿正坚持不懈地飞行。

  • Always looking to the sky in fear .

    总是在恐惧中看着 天空

  • Flames sprang up to heaven . ; Flames leap to the sky . ; The flames lit up the sky .

    火光 冲天

  • Every plume is part of the dream of flying to the sky .

    每一片羽毛都是 飞向 蓝天的梦想的一部分。

  • Annie : I guess the phrase soaring up to the sky must refer to the high jump .

    安妮:我分析分析,“直冲 云霄”一定是跳高了。

  • Reminding of what he had said to sun xiu he regretful and signed to the sky .

    仰天长叹了一口气,很有点后悔 意思。

  • Trees don 't grow to the sky . s don 't go to zero .

    树木长不 天空那么 ,价值不会跌到等于零。

  • Mom and dad I 'll be with my hands to create a captive to the sky .

    爸爸妈妈,我会用双手创造出一个专 属于你们 天空

  • Slowly but surely he began to plan how he would go to the sky .

    他开始稳扎稳打地计划怎样 上天 了。

  • Bright flowers burst forth from the damp earth and turn their colorful faces to the sky .

    迸发出鲜艳的花朵从潮湿的泥土,把他们多彩的面孔 天空

  • Lift our hands up to the sky .

    举我们的手由 天空决定。

  • Dream your dream to the sky and it will bring you your beloved .

    祝愿一个梦想, 天空会给你一个情人。

  • Our eyes follow it up to the sky .

    我们的眼睛跟随它一直 太空中。

  • He stood with his arms raised to the sky breathing out curses .

    他站着把双臂举 空中,诅咒着。