



  • What fun it is to ride and sing a sleigh-ing song to-night .

    骑车和唱歌多乐趣, 今夜雪橇歌声响。

  • And now to-night my flute has waked the echoes over that very water .


  • She couldn 't come to-night . she 's not well .

    “她 今天来不了,她身体不太好。”

  • To-night the fancy had caught her and the little table was spread with a pleasing repast .


  • The bridal of the earth and sky-The dew shall weep thy fall to-night ; For thou must die .

    天地间完美的匹配- 今宵的露珠儿将为你的消逝而落泪;因为你必须离去。

  • We 've got our work cut out for us to-night .

    我们得把 今晚的工作 分配 一下

  • We are to play the game of death to-night my bride and I.

    我们 今夜要做死亡的游戏,我的新娘和我。

  • We got to run the mangle to-night but Thursday we 'll knock off at six .

    今天 晚上咱们只开热轧滚筒。星期 四六点就下班。

  • We have given our hair to the witch said they to obtain help for you that you may not die to-night .

    我们已经把头发交给了那个巫婆,希望她能帮助你,使你今后不 至于 灭亡

  • Let 's check what is on to-night .

    让我们查查看 今晚 上演什么。

  • How do you do to-night sir ? said Sampson peeping in .

    晚上 ,阁下?桑普杰说,探进头来。

  • Drink this and then take nothing more to-night .

    “喝了这个, 今天 晚上 不要 再喝 别的东西。”

  • To-night Youth sat in the opposite corner .

    然而 今天 晚上,青年却坐在对面的一角。

  • The dew shall weep thy fall to-night For thou must die .

    露将为你的 沉没 悲伤,因为你的死不可避免。

  • I see thine image through my tears to-night .

    我凝视你相片, 清夜流泪。

  • To-night he was in his element .

    今晚他在自己的 圈子 活动,如鱼得水。

  • Where shall we go to sleep to-night ?


  • My soul to-night loses itself in the silent heart of a tree standing alone among the whispers of immensity .


  • The dew shall weep thy fall to-night ;

    今宵的露珠儿将为你的 消逝而落泪;

  • Wilt thou go with us to-night ?

    你们 今晚 愿意同我们一 去吗?

  • I have had enough of witnesses to-day and to-night ;

    我今天和 今晚 见到的证人够多的了。

  • Well I 'm going to show you to-night some other men who 've read the books so that you won 't be lonely any more .

    今天 晚上我要 你见识 见识一些也读过书的人,那你就再也不会孤独了。

  • Could you hide me in that room to-night when every one is asleep ?

    今天 晚上,等到 院里大家 睡了,您能不能把我蒙在那屋子里?

  • One of the most touching and teaching of the Saviour 's miracles is before us to-night .


  • Our company is now so dispersed from the Crawfords being gone home that nothing more can be done to-night ;

    克劳福德兄妹已经回家去了,我们的班子现在凑不齐了, 今天 晚上演不成了。

  • Goin ' to the Lotus Club dance to-night ? Jim demanded .

    今天晚上去 荷花俱乐部参加舞会么?

  • Were it not better said he that you use my poor skill to-night ?

    今天 夜里,他说,你再采用 一下我这微不足道的 医术,是不是更好呢?

  • I hope to have seen him on the green to-night .

    我希望今天 晚上能在草地上看到他。