




  • Place your right toe in line with your left heel .

    把右 脚趾与左脚跟排成一直线。

  • Did I step on your toe ? Sorry !

    我踩 你的 脚趾了吗?对不起。

  • Extra reinforced toe heel and heel pocket for more durability .

    加强了的 足尖,脚跟和脚跟里部,更耐穿。

  • Sorry to have stepped on your toe . & it 's nothing .

    唷,踩了你的 了。&没事儿。

  • If you stub your toe it is no accident .

    如果你碰伤了你的 脚趾,这不是意外。

  • You 'll have to toe the mark if you work here .

    如果你在这里工作,就必须 服从 命令

  • The groans ceased and the pain vanished from the toe .

    呻吟声停了, 脚趾的疼痛也立刻消失了。

  • He was dressed in white from head to toe .

    他从头 穿了一身白色。

  • Last night in dream I stepped on your toe .


  • A crab nipped my toe .

    一只螃蟹钳住了我的 脚趾头

  • You trod on my toe you clodhopping idiot !

    你踩到我的 脚趾了,笨拙的白痴!

  • Universities are dipping their toes in the waters of management education .

    各大学正开始 尝试进入管理教育领域。

  • My horse has hurt his toe so I can 't race him .

    我的马伤了 脚趾,我不能把它 投入比赛。

  • This may encourage gold traders to dip their toes back into the markets

    这可能会促使黄金交易商谨慎地 尝试重返市场。

  • She stepped on his toe by accident .

    她偶然踩了他的 脚趾

  • She plastered herself from head to toe in high factor sun lotion .

    她给自己从头到 都抹上了强效防晒露。

  • He learned to use a computer and type using the heel and toe method .

    他学习使用电脑,用脚后跟和 脚趾来打字;

  • Ouch ! you trod on my toe !

    哎哟!你踩着我的 指头了!

  • They were sensibly dressed from top to toe in rain gear .

    他们从头 都用雨具捂得严严实实,非常明智。

  • I kicked a dustbin very hard and broke my toe .

    我狠狠地踢了一脚垃圾箱,结果 脚趾骨折了。

  • Toe : Your fingernails are too long .


  • My right toe struck against a submerged rock .

    我的右 脚趾 到水下的一块石头上了。

  • He eyed me from top to toe .

    他从头到 看了我一眼。

  • She took care to paint her toe nails a lurid red or orange .

    她精心地把 指甲涂成妖艳的红色或橙色。

  • His toe nudged my broken leg and I heard a piercing scream .

    他的 脚趾推了推我骨折了的腿,我听到了一阵刺骨的尖叫。

  • His fiery campaign rhetoric has kept opposition parties on their toes for months .

    他激烈的竞选言辞使反对党派一连几个月都保持 警觉

  • He poked gingerly at one big toe .

    他小心翼翼地戳了戳一个大 脚趾

  • He 's one of the politicians that wouldn 't toe the party line .

    他是不肯 从政党路线的 几个政客之一。

  • Brian 's toe is still badly swollen and he cannot put on his shoe

    布赖恩的 脚趾还是肿得很厉害,穿不上鞋。

  • I must be careful not to tread on their toes . My job is to challenge but not threaten them .

    我必须小心谨慎,不能 得罪他们。我的工作是挑战他们,而不是威胁他们。