


  • A feast for the Toastmaster soul as much as it was for each Toastmaster body .

    宴会为 演讲 的灵魂如同它是演讲会的主体。

  • Dave Zielinski is a freelance writer and frequent contributor to the Toastmaster .

    代夫柴林斯基,自由作家,经常投稿国际 演讲人杂志。

  • Of course a Toastmaster must always pay attention to organization vocal range extraneous filler words and a host of other items .

    当然, 为一个 演讲 会员,应该要随时注意 演讲的组织、声音的起伏、 过滤赘字,及注意其他的事项。

  • My question was : 〝 Why am I happy to be a Toastmaster ?〞 and some of the comments expressed in your responses that I wish to reproduce are as follows .

    我的问卷题目是"我为什麽乐于成为 演讲 的一份子? ,我收到的回应如下。

  • First of all toastmaster introduced Mr.

    首先, 主持人介绍 今天 演讲 嘉宾 陈超先生。

  • Would you like to write an article on this Convention book to share your successful achievement or unforgettable experience in toastmaster ?

    你要不要来为大会手册写一篇文章呢?让我们共同分享你在 演讲 的成就与经验。

  • As a Toastmaster you will acquire an increased ability to motivate and persuade making you more effective as a supervisor or manager .

    作为一个 主持人,你可以学到增长的激励和说服力,就像一个有效的主管或经理。

  • A good way to avoid this situation is to have an experienced Toastmaster in your club assign experienced mentors to new Toastmasters .

    避免这种情况的最好方法是,由分会内有经验的 会员,为新会员指派适任的指导 会友

  • This will be a brand new milestone in my Toastmaster journey !

    对我 个人 来说,这是 参加 国际 演讲 多年 一个里程碑!

  • I think he could be a Toastmaster because he got the talent from his mother they are both very talkative as I 'm sure everyone knows !

    我想西恩一定可以成为 演讲 会员,他 遗传了他妈妈所有的天赋,他们两个都很多话,相信大家都 同意我的 说法

  • RM : How long have you been a Toastmaster ?

    加入 演讲 多久了?

  • And how you do the timely recharge of your battery in the spring time will determine how high and far you can reach in Toastmaster carrier during the year .

    每年 月份的春季 大会 自我充电之 ,将提供您 往后一年 得更高、更远的 动力

  • Julie Bawden Davis is a freelance writer based in Southern California and a longtime contributor to the Toastmaster .

    茱莉•博登•戴维斯是一名南加州的自由作家,长久以来,为 演讲 贡献颇多。

  • Join Toastmasters ( Learn public speaking ) .

    加入 Toastmaster(学习公共演讲)。

  • Dear fellow toastmaster members and distinguish guests Good afternoon !

    亲爱的 吐司 马斯特 会员及尊敬的客人,下午好!

  • Also members on the schedule must confirm their participation to the VPE and Toastmaster .

    在议程上有任务的会员,必须要与教育副会长及例会总 主持人做确认。

  • I have read stories in the Toastmaster magazine about how improved speaking skills enable members to land better jobs and realize their dreams .

    我曾经在 演讲 杂志月刊上,读到如何增进演讲技巧,并协助演讲 会员,将工作做更好,同时完成梦想的故事。