




  • She had never seen such poverty before and by the same token could not quite believe it .

    她从来没有看到过如此的 穷困,而且她也不太相信竟有如此的贫穷存在。

  • A thread that is impersonating a client has both a primary token and an impersonation token .

    一个正模拟客户端的线程拥有一个主 令牌和一个模拟令牌。

  • Here is the fifth token towards our offer . You need six of these tokens .

    这是第5 张礼券,你需要6张才能享受我们的特价。

  • By the same token we should like to thank your brother .

    由于 同样 原因,我们向你兄弟表示谢意。

  • The announcement was welcomed as a step in the right direction but was widely seen as a token gesture

    该公告被认为是向正确方向迈进的一步,因而受到欢迎,但也被普遍看作是一种 象征 的姿态。

  • This speech is a token of my deep love and respect .

    这番演讲 表达了我最深的爱和尊敬。

  • The only other required arguments for this method are the user token and the bundle ID.

    只有此方法的其他必需参数是用户 标记和资源包ID。

  • Miners have staged a two-hour token stoppage to demand better pay and conditions

    矿工们举行了两小时的 象征 停工,以要求提高工资和改善工作条件。

  • Each Token that is in a Node can receive a signal .

    在节点中每一个 令牌可以接受一个信号。

  • To my father I dedicate this volume in token of affection and gratitude .

    我谨以此书献给我的父亲,以 表示对他的爱戴和感激之情。

  • This little gift is a token of our regard .

    这点礼物是我们大家的一点 心意

  • Client identity token and other related information will be encapsulated in the client request message .

    客户身份 令牌和其他相关信息将被封装到客户请求消息中。

  • £ 10 book tokens

    价值10英镑的 购书

  • Don 't forget to clip the token and stick it on your card

    别忘了剪下 标志,贴到你的卡上。

  • Please accept this little gift as a token of my appreciation .

    这是我的一点儿 意思,请 收下吧。

  • I know thee Hester ; for I behold the token .

    我可认识你,海丝特,因为我看见了那个 标记

  • This method analyzes the characters in the buffer and provides tokens to the parser .

    此方法分析缓冲区中的字符并为解析器提供 标记 token

  • For Authentication and Authorization checks a security token needs to be supplied .

    对于身份验证和授权检查,需要提供安全 令牌

  • the custom of exchanging love tokens to celebrate February 14 .

    互换爱情 信物以庆祝2月14号 情人节的风俗

  • A token has a pointer to a node in the process graph .

    一个 令牌做为流程图表中的一个节点的一个指针。

  • As a token of goodwill I 'm going to write another letter .

    为了 证明我的 善意,我打算再写一封信。

  • You described her as the token woman on the shortlist .

    你把她形容为入围名单上 象征 的女性人选。

  • Some of the older telephones still only accept tokens .

    一些较老式的电话机仍然只收 代币

  • I beg you to accept this gift as a small token of my esteem .

    区区 薄礼,聊表敬意,务祈哂纳。

  • Samples of the latter are : a username and password pair a certificate or a token .

    凭证验证的例子有:一个用户名和密码对,一个证书,或一个 标志