


  • The study also found that the average British person does not have a clue regarding the true value of their toiletry bag .

    研究同时还发现,现在的英国人全然不知 化妆包的真正价值。

  • Foxy American grapes . a toiletry that emits and diffuses a fragrant odor .

    散发着芳香的美国葡萄一种散发香味的 化妆品

  • Be widely applied in medical and health care area as well as toiletry field . On the Commercialization Operation of the Commercial Forest

    被广泛应用于医疗保健和 化妆品行业。关于对商品林进行商品化经营的探讨

  • It also be used as liposome and anti-cancer drugs . Furthermore it has broad application prospects in food medicine toiletry and so forth .

    还用于脂质体的研究,以及作为抗癌药物的研究,在食品、医药、 化妆品等领域有广阔的应用前景。

  • For babies and toddlers on all routes there 's a toiletry kit with wet wipes cream bib teething ring and tissue pack .

    所有航线上都为婴儿和幼儿提供一套清洁包,其中有:湿巾、乳液、 围嘴、牙咬和纸巾。

  • Chewing gum : Sweetened product made from chicle and similar resilient substances that is chewed for its flavour . a toiletry that emits and diffuses a fragrant odor .

    口香糖:一种甜味的树胶食品,用树胶与其它具有可塑性的不溶物质调制而 ,以咀嚼其芳香味。一种散发香味的 化妆品

  • Manganese oxide as fertilizer sources soap used as a toiletry .

    利用氧化锰作为肥料用来作为 化妆品的肥皂。

  • A toiletry applied to the skin in order to mask unpleasant odors .

    涂在皮肤上用来掩盖不和谐的气味的 化妆品

  • A toiletry for the hair . soap used as a toiletry .

    一种用于头发的 化妆品。用来作为化妆品的肥皂。

  • Collection : 19th-century perfumes 20-century perfumes 20th-century Cuban perfumes and toiletry .

    收藏19、20世纪香水、20世纪古巴香水和 化妆品

  • But a spokesman for the Cosmetics Toiletry and Perfumery Association said the study in sheep did not prove the same effects would be seen in humans .

    但据化妆品 香氛联合会的一位发言人称,该项以绵羊为实验 对象的研究并不能证明这些研究结果在人类身上同样有效。( 实习 编辑 顾萍)