to the moment


  • They know how to seize the moment and let the chips fall where they may .

    他们知道 如何抓住 时机,不计较结果。

  • If you look back at your own life youll begin to realize that everything you have ever done up to the present moment was all a result of the decisions youve made .

    如果你回顾自己的生活,会开始明白你 现在做过的所有事情都是你选择的结果。

  • That is why women remain children their whole life long : never seeing anything but what is quite close to them clinging to the present moment taking appearance for reality and preferring trifles to matters of the first importance .

    那就是为什么妇女一生都不成熟:从来都只看见眼前的事情,都只 抓住眼前的 ,都把表面当本质,都倾心于琐事而放过至关重要的事。

  • She concealed her pregnancy right up to the moment of birth

    她隐瞒了自己怀孕的事, 直到孩子 出世

  • He came to ask the moment he got wind of it .

    他刚 听见一点儿风就 打听。

  • We wish to call your attention that up to the present moment no news has come from you about the shipment . Our users are in urgent need of the machines and are pressing us for an early delivery .

    我方希望提请贵方注意, 目前 为止,我方一直没有收到贵方关于货物运输的通知,我方客户急需这批机器,不断地催促我方早日交货。

  • And that kind of attitude permeates my life from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep .

    每天,从早上 睁开 晚上睡觉前,这种态度充斥着我的生活。

  • The bell began to toll the moment the hour and minute hands coincided .

    时针和分针叠合 刹那,钟声敲响了。

  • It ran a television commercial in the US to mark the moment .

    该公司在美国电视上做了一个广告, 纪念 时刻

  • This was going to be the moment of glory for a man for whom a Beijing gold medal was the foremost wish among the Chinese people according to a nationwide poll .

    一项全国调查显示:中国人在北京 奥运会上最大的期望就是 刘翔夺取金牌。

  • It 's not a very good time to sell at the moment .


  • Take me to the moment when the prototype worked successfully if there was one big moment .

    说说原型产品成功 那一刻,如果存在某个重要 时刻的话。

  • However there are times when you want to stop the moment a command fails because continuing could be more damaging .

    不过,有时候可能会 希望 命令失败 即停下,因为继续执行会带来更大的损害。

  • We 'll form alliances to seize the moment and at other times we 'll make an acquisition as we 're announcing today .

    此外我们也会进行并购,如同我们今天宣布的 收购一样。

  • It was my fifth time seeing president Obama in order to save the moment and also to seize the opportunity to speak for the emerging market countries sitting in the front row I raised my hand . I also immediately explained that I came from China .

    为了这个场, 同时也确实想抓住机会在会上发出新兴市场国家媒体的声音,坐在第一排的我把已放下的手又举了起来,并立刻提醒他我来自中国。

  • She was kept very busy right up to the moment of her departure

    她一直忙得不可开交, 直到出发的 还在忙。

  • To sell the moment the filmmakers turned to the most trustworthy of all actors : Tom Hanks .

    为了烘托 这个 时刻,制片人邀请了最受信赖的演员:汤姆·汉克斯(TomHanks)。

  • In 2011 I resolve to seize the moment by mobilising our faculty to drive innovation at Harvard in ways that equip our students to be leaders with the competence and character to address emerging global business and social challenges .

    2011年,我 决心抓住 时机,动员我们全体教职员工,推动哈佛商学院的创新,把我们的学员培养成能力强、素质高的商界领袖,以应对全球商界和社会不断涌现的挑战。

  • You should be able to find the odd moment for relaxation

    你应该 抽空休息一下。

  • But I 've been just as happy lying through the long June evenings on her mother 's grave and looking forward to the moment when I can join Catherine there !

    但在那6月的漫漫长夜里我躺在她母亲的坟冢上,期望着 个世界与她重逢 时候,我也同样欣慰!

  • The two of them began to wrangle the moment they got talking .

    他们两人 谈就顶 牛儿

  • In terms of security we undertook a major strategic review at the Defense Department and with our security personnel on how to assess how our global posture and where do we need to evolve to match the moment .

    在安全方面,我们在国防部进行了重大战略审议,并与安全人员探讨了如何评估我们的全球态势和 适应 当前需要应该如何发展。

  • You will have to focus on the future so much as you get older & being mindful to the moment becomes a lost gift .

    随着你的成长,你将不得不关注未来那时关注 当下就会变成一份已经失去了的礼物。

  • He had been looking forward to the exciting moment .

    他盼望着 激动的 时刻

  • Sorry I just can 't call his name to mind at the moment .

    对不起,我 一时叫不出他的名字。

  • Thousands of students at Penn State University and in other college towns spilled into the streets and set off firecrackers to mark the moment .

    成千上万的来自宾夕法尼亚州立大学以及其他大学城的学生们涌入街头,燃放烟花 庆祝 特殊 时刻

  • He was writing the book up to the moment the presses rolled .

    直到付梓的 他才完稿。

  • I think nowadays it 's very hard for people to be in the moment .

    我认为,现在的人们已经很难活在 当下了。