your space

[jʊr spes][jɔ: speis]

[医] 卵黄周隙

  • He will be in your space .

    他就会进入到 空间

  • I should 've given you your space .

    我没有考虑到给 一些 空间

  • This is your space ; don 't let others invade it .

    这是 空间,不要让别人侵犯它。

  • This wizard helps you add a floor plan and rooms ( spaces ) to your space plan .

    此向导可帮助 空间规划添加平面布置图和房间(空间)。

  • Several hours later you 'll go aboard your space liner .

    几个小时一晃过去了, 也该回到 太空船了。

  • Do you realize that you are influenced by your Space links and that subconsciously for example you copy hair coloring like red and green that is not naturally found on Earth .

    你们明白么,其实你们在被来自 你们 空间链接影响着,那种潜意识的影响使得你作为例子染了头发的样色比如红色或者绿色,那在地球上并不是自然的。

  • It was time for them to back away so you could fill your space with your own divinity .

    现在是他们撤退好让您能把您自己的神性注入 空间的时候了。

  • Well it 's all about space and that 's where we started with that because he will be in your space .

    其实它们都和空间有关,我们之所以要以这个来开头就是因为如果一个男生 喜欢 他就会进入 空间

  • Work on your home : move repair and re-organize your space all month .

    整修家园:整月都适合搬家,修缮,重新摆设 空间

  • A character designs scaling of your life noble perfect your space .

    演绎个性设计完善你的生存,高尚 空间

  • Different based on your space and humanities to produce quality products there is always the idea of outside .

    根据 的不同 空间及人文,制作出有品位的产品,是我们永远的理念。

  • Thankyou the same to you the pictures can not appear in your space .

    同样也感谢你,在 空间里的图片不能正常显示。

  • Allow others a place in your space .

    让别人在 心中占有 一席之地

  • Coworkers interrupt your work invade your space and help themselves to your files .

    同事们打断你的工作,入侵 空间,擅自动你的文件。

  • You may need to undertake leasehold improvements to your space based on your interior layout design and plumbing requirements .

    您可能需要承担租赁资产的改良到 空间,根据您的内部布局,设计和管道的要求。

  • Now you can go to preview your space to see the special effects .

    现在就可以去 的网络 空间看结果了。

  • You need to preserve your own identity and your space .

    你要不能失去自我,要保留一 自己 空间

  • This is my space your space a piece of pure land for communication .

    这是我的空间,也是 空间,是 沟通的一片绿地。

  • You will get such a big part of your space !

    你将会得到一个更大地专署于 空间

  • Theoretically your space will be more spare more serenely uncluttered .

    从理论上说, 空间会更大,更整齐清爽。

  • It can actually be fun to work when your space is an extension of your personality giving you a comfortable place to concentrate and perform .

    的工作 空间成为你个性的延伸,提供你一个舒适的场所来集中精神工作,工作起来就会非常有趣。

  • Keep a stepladder in the kitchen & if you 've maximized your space you 'll need one for reaching the highest shelves .

    在厨房里放一个梯子-如果你已经最大化了 空间,你需要一个梯子才能到最高的那个架子去拿东西。

  • You 'll be in your space suit .

    就穿着 太空服了。

  • Use it to make your space more appealing with time .

    利用它使 空间随着时间变得更有感染力。

  • And remember the blog is your space .

    记住,博客(网志)是 空间

  • If you 're in public and someone is in your space ask them to leave .

    如果你在公共和别人在 空间,让他们离开。

  • Follow the wizard pages to store your space data in the space plan Explorer windows under unplaced data .

    依据向导页中的说明,将 空间数据存储在空间规划资源管理器窗口中的“未定位的数据”之下。

  • People want to get into your space . Only you decide who gets into your space .

    别人想闯入 空间,但只有你能决定谁可以进来。

  • I 'm gonna give you your space homes .

    我给 时间考虑,兄弟。