total output

[ˈtotl ˈaʊtˌpʊt][ˈtəutəl ˈautput]


  • Ahead of the revolution last year Eni was generating 15 % of its total output from Libyan wells .

    去年利比亚革命爆发之前,埃尼集团石油 产出中有15%来自利比亚的油田。

  • Domestic oil production in the first half fell 5 per cent an uncomfortable reminder that much of PetroChina 's portfolio outside its core Daqing field responsible for about a quarter of total output is too costly to lift at these prices .

    今年上半年国内石油产量下降5%,令人不安地提醒着人们:中石油在其核心的大庆油田以外的许多资产(占其 产量约四分之一),在当前油价下开采成本过高。

  • One twentieth of the total output was exported .


  • The total output of a writer or artist ( or a substantial part of it ) .

    一个作家或画家的所有 作品 总和(或实质部分)。

  • An analysis of the influence of some main grain varieties production on the grain total output ;

    1983~2004年主要粮食品种生产对粮食 产量影响的分析(英文)

  • In 1997 the total output of China 's ocean fishing industry came to 13.854 million tons .

    1997年,中国海洋捕捞 产量1385.4万吨。

  • The total output of aquatic products was 45.13 million tons up by 3 percent .

    全年水产品 产量达4513万吨,增长3%。

  • However total output value of agricultural industry farmer annual net income were a negative to total income of tourist industry and total number of domestic tourists .

    但是,农业生产 产值、农民人均年纯收入与旅游总收入、国内游客人次呈负相关。

  • The physically economic period is measure by actual citizen 's total output value of the economic period is the center problem of the macroscopic economics concern then .

    实际的经济周期是由实际的国民 生产 总值来衡量的,经济周期则是宏观经济学关注的中心问题。

  • A nation 's GDP is equal to the total output of all final goods and services produced by the nation in a period of time .

    一个国家的国内生产总值相当于该国在一段时间内所有最终商品和劳务的 产量

  • Control the total output of mineral primary products .

    控制矿 产品等初级加工产品生产 总量

  • PwC in a recent report estimated that the market could account for 2-5 per cent of total output of light vehicles by that year .

    普华永道(PwC)则在最近一份报告中估计,到2020年,这块市场可能会占到轻型车 产量的2%到5%。

  • From the pull mechanism the indirect inducing coefficients of total output and added value of China by exports increase while the derived inducing coefficients decline .

    从拉动机制看,出口对 产出和增加值的间接诱发系数增大,引致诱发系数却在下降;

  • Cotton output was 4.3 million tons . The total output of meat came to 53.54 million tons and aquatic products to 35.61 million tons .

    棉花产量430万吨,肉类和水产品 产量分别为5354万吨和3561万吨。

  • The international trade postwar has been in a development of high speed which is higher than that of the world major goods productions and the world domestic total output values .

    战后国际贸易高速发展,其发展速度高于世界主要商品生产和世界国内 生产 总值的发展速度。

  • At the same time we have discussed the influences of change of one element in direct consumption coefficient matrix on department output multiplier and department total output and price as well .

    讨论了某一直接消耗系数的变化对部门产出乘数、部门 产出及价格的影响。

  • However 1987 showed a modest growth of total output .

    然而1987年的 产量略有上升。

  • Still the total output figures encourage observers to vastly overstate the developmental level of the Chinese economy .

    不过,中国经济的 总量仍然刺激着观察家们极度地夸大着它的发展水准。

  • The total output share of developing economies is down by a sixth .

    全体发展中国家在 全球 GDP中的比例降低了六分之一。

  • It is generally Believed that the added investment will make the total output and economic returns increase simultaneously .

    人们普遍认为,追加投资将使 产量和经济效益同步增长。

  • In2005 the total output value of Henan Province broke through RMB one trillion Yuan becoming the fifth province of that all over the country .

    2005年,河南省 生产 总值即已突破万亿元大关,成为全国第五个经济总量超万亿元的省份;

  • The total output of grain for the whole nation was over 490 million tons .

    全年粮食 产量达到4.9亿吨以上。

  • Measures that increase productivity and efficiency if they do not also translate into increased demand may actually reduce the number of people working as the level of total output remains demand-constrained .


  • Under monopolistic competition there are many firms in the industry with each producing only a small share of the total output being demanded .

    在垄断竞争下,在这个产业有很多家公司,每家只 生产需求中的一个小的份额。

  • The total output is double that of last year .


  • Western Europe like the US will maintain a fairly high share of total output according to the projections .

    这项研究预计称,和美国一样,西欧在全球制造业 产出中仍将保持相当高的份额。

  • Today the coal industry in Britain is on the decline the number of miners collieries and the total output have been falling .

    如今的英国煤矿业衰退,从而导致矿工、矿的数量和 产量都大大下降。

  • The gross national product ( GNP ) measures the total output of goods and services in a given year .

    国民生产总值(GNP)标志着一年内 生产 出来的商品和服务的 总和

  • The total output value was RMB58 million an increase of15 % over the previous year .


  • The decrease of the cultivated land resource gave birth to the changes of total output and single output most and multi-cropping index was also one of the reasons for the production .

    耕地资源的减少引起了粮食 产量和单产量的变化,而耕地复种指数也是影响耕地产量的主要原因之一。