


  • Totem worship is one of mankind 's extremely ancient and peculiar cultural phenomena .


  • National costumes show its life style customs aesthetic awareness totem worship and cultural accumulation .

    一个民族的服饰体现该民族的生活风貌、风俗习惯、审美意识、 图腾崇拜及文化积累。

  • The phoenix worship of China is fetish worship not totem adoration .

    中国凤崇拜是灵物崇拜而非 图腾崇拜。

  • Next I think dragon is not just a totem of traditional culture .

    其次,我认为龙不 应当仅仅作为一种传统文化的 图腾

  • As ethnic totem in Guangxi history bronze drum is the symbol of regional and ethnic image .

    铜鼓作为广西历史上的民族 图腾,是区域形象和民族形象的象征。

  • Worshiping wolf totem reflects the lack of belief and emptiness of soul .

    “狼 图腾”的崇拜,恰恰从反面映照出了国民的信仰缺失与灵魂空虚。

  • The Shaping Influence of Totem System on Chinese Patriarchal Clan System


  • Dashan : Oh look . We 've just passed a totem pole .

    大山:嘿,看,我们刚经过了一个 图腾柱。

  • Normally there are money eagle frog whale small people carved on the totem pole .

    正常的情况下,有钱,老鹰,青蛙,鲸鱼,小人形的图案雕刻在 图腾柱上。

  • Your Angels tell you that this is your new animal totem coming to introduce himself .

    你的天使们告诉你这是你的新动物 图腾要来介绍它自己。

  • The folk dance named black bears fighting is just the heritage of primitive totem worship activities .

    名为“黑熊搏斗”的民间舞蹈,正是原始 图腾崇拜活动的遗迹。

  • Loku is horrified by this as the turtle is his tribe 's totem and should not be hurt .

    因为乌龟是他的部落的 图腾,并且不应该受伤,Loku因此感到恐惧。

  • The process from nature worship Totem worship to ancestor worship is continuously strengthening humans .

    从自然崇拜、 图腾崇拜到祖先崇拜的过程,是 蜀人不断强化人的 尺度的过程。

  • And of course the totem itself . I watched each spin my third time through .

    当然了,还有 图腾本身,偶第三次看时每次旋转都看完了。

  • Panhu and Wang Yao is set totem worship and ancestor worship .

    而盘瓠和盘王是瑶族的 图腾崇拜和祖先崇拜。

  • Do these patterns belong to a worship to totem or just an art pattern ?

    面纹 究竟是一种 图腾崇拜的 遗存或仅是一种艺术图案的 省略与变化?

  • From ancient totem worship and witch evolved from the development of dance .

    由远古的 图腾崇拜和巫舞发展演变而来。

  • It also reflects the shadow of the original totem worship .

    这其中也折射出原始 图腾崇拜的影子。

  • This opera is one of the cultural totems of Western civilisation .

    这部歌剧是西方文明的文化 标志 之一。

  • Principles of survival are frequently illustrated in The Call of Wild and The Totem of Wolf .

    在《野性的呼唤 和《狼 图腾 中,生存原则作为一个重要的 主题频繁穿插于 故事 情节之间。

  • Different times created different beauties for example the ancient totem continued and developed in the modern ornaments .

    不同的时期,造就出不同的美来,远古的 图腾,在现代的装饰品中得到延续和发展。

  • The fish dance originated in primitive tribes that took the fish as a totem .

    “鱼舞”的起源和 沿海以鱼为 图腾的原始氏族 有关

  • I have seen many posts ofpeople saying his totem falls when he is in others dreams .

    我已经看过很多人的帖子,说他的 图腾在别人的梦中倒下了。

  • Abstract : starting with the New Zealand maori 's totem worship of land and their respect for and protection of natural resources the respect for nature and the necessity and importance of landscape stewardship are stressed in this paper .

    摘要:从介绍新西兰毛利人对“土地”的 图腾崇拜和对自然资源的尊重和保护谈起,强调了尊重自然,风景看护的必要性和重要性。