total oxygen demand

[ˈtotl ˈɑksɪdʒən dɪˈmænd][ˈtəutəl ˈɔksidʒən diˈmɑ:nd]


  • We will strengthen energy conservation and emissions reduction and impose a ceiling on total energy consumption . This year we aim to cut energy intensity by more than 3.9 % . The emissions of sulfur dioxide and chemical oxygen demand will both be reduced by 2 % .

    加大节能减排力度,控制能源消费 总量,今年能源消耗强度要降低3.9%以上,二氧化硫、化学 需氧 排放量都要减少2%。

  • The water quality indexes including total nitrogen ( TN ) total phosphorus ( TP ) the chemical oxygen demand ( CODcr ) and pH value were respectively determined by alkaline potassium persulphate digestion-UV spectrophotometric method ammonium molybdate spectrophotometric method dichromate method and pH meter .

    分别用碱性过硫酸钾消解紫外分光光度法、比色法、重铬酸盐法测定了灌溉前后灌溉水水质指标总氮、 总磷、化学 需氧 (CODcr),同时测试pH值。

  • The oxygen consumption characteristics of the organic matter in the sediment-water interface as well as the proportions of the biological and chemical oxygen consumption in the total oxygen demand are discussed .

    探讨了底质-水界面有机物的耗氧特点及 中生物耗氧和非生物耗氧所占比例。

  • Total oxygen demand automatic recorder

    需氧 自动记录仪

  • Researching the Relationship between Total Organic Carbond and Chemical Oxygen Demand of Guangzhou Creek Water

    广州市区河涌水中 有机碳与化学 需氧量的相关性研究

  • For Zizania latifolia the concentrations of total nitrogen and chemical oxygen demand would increase in the late period of its decomposition and lead to the deterioration of water quality .

    在挺水植物芦苇的腐解过程中,水体的化学 需氧量、 氮、总磷浓度最低;茭草在分解后期,会引起水体的 化学 需氧 、总氮浓度上升,导致水质变差。

  • Correlation of total organic carbon with permanganate index and chemical oxygen demand

    有机碳与高锰酸盐指数及化学 需氧 的相关性

  • The concentrations of total nitrogen and chemical oxygen demand in containers with Nymphoides peltatum and Nelumbo nucifera were higher than other four plants .

    浮叶植物荇菜、莲分解过程中,化学 需氧 氮浓度均要高于其他几种植物。

  • Study on the Correlation of Total Organic Carbon With Chemical Oxygen Demand and Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Water

    养殖水中 有机碳与化学 需氧 和生化需氧量相关性的研究

  • The water pollution sources in Fushun city were investigated in 2002 . The results showed that the total emission amount of chemical oxygen demand in Fushun was 58 thousand tons and 27 thousand tons COD drained into Hunhe river .

    于2002年对抚顺市辖区内水污染源进行了调查。结果表明:抚顺市 COD排放 总量为5.8万吨,入浑河总量2.7万吨。

  • The total oxygen demand ( TOD ) means consuming oxygen quantity when organic component in water was burnt up to the stable oxidate .

    讨论了影响水中 需氧 (TOD)测定的因素。

  • Total discharge of major pollutants significantly reduces for example the chemical oxygen demand and sulfur dioxide emissions were reduced by 8 % ammonia nitrogen oxides emissions were reduced by 10 % .

    主要污染物排放 总量显著减少,化学 需氧 、二氧化硫排放分别减少8%,氨氮、氮氧化物排放分别减少10%。

  • Ozonization reduced the contents of total dissolved solids and oxygen demand and decomposed some reductive contaminants such as ammonia cyanide and phenols .

    臭氧处理使溶解性 固体含量和 氧量略有减少,对矿泉水的一些还原性污染物如氨、氰化物和酚类化合物有不同程度的降低;