topological layout

[计] 拓扑布局

  • Obstacle topological layout optimization design of oil-gas gathering and transferring system

    油气集输系统障碍 拓扑 布局优化设计方法

  • A bilevel hybrid topological layout optimization model for oil-gas gathering and transferring system was established in which the minimal pipeline length was taken as the objective function and the unique memberships the processing capacity and geometrical position of nodes were taken as the constraint conditions .

    针对油气集输系统障碍 拓扑 布局优化问题,以管线长度最短为目标函数,以节点隶属关系唯一性,节点处理能力和几何位置等为约束条件,建立了二级混合规划数学模型。

  • In the planning of pipeline network using optimization method to determine rational topological network and to determine optimal layout may get better economic results .

    在管网规划设计中,采用优化技术确定合理的网络 拓扑结构并确定最佳 工艺 设计 方案可以获得较好的经济效益。

  • Analysis of topological optimization on optimal heavy truck cab 's spot-weld layout

    重型卡车驾驶室 焊点 拓扑优化分析

  • On the basis of topological structure physical model and mathematical analysis models of facility layout piston 117 production line with types of facility layout is simulated with deneb / QUEST software .

    以活塞117生产线 布局 形式 拓扑结构的物理模型为基础,结合基于制造系统功能的设施 布局设计数学分析模型,在Deneb/QUEST软件平台上建立其仿真模型,仿真研究基于制造系统功能的设施布局形式。

  • Using genetic algorithm to generate non homomorphic topological pattern for layout optimization

    装填 布局 拓扑模式变换的遗传算法

  • The objective is to find the topological layout of links at a minimal cost under the constraint that the network reliability is not less than a given level of system reliability .

    其目的是在系统可靠性不低于给定标准( p0)条件下,寻找一种 优化的网络结构,使其连接边的费用最低。