


  • The paper introduces sorts and causes of torrent gutter disease and brings forward some preventive measures .

    介绍了 急流槽病害的分类和成因,提出了 急流槽病害的预防措施。

  • Relating to or resulting from the action of a torrent .


  • The dam break and an impetuous torrent of water sweep away the town .

    堤坝崩塌了,奔腾的 急流 冲垮了镇子。

  • The torrent scoured a channel down the hillside .


  • The river was a torrent after the storm .

    暴风雨过后,河水 激流

  • He turned round and directed a torrent of abuse at me .

    他转过身来冲我 劈头盖脸地骂了一

  • Thinking in this way he pushed his sworn brother into a mountain torrent .

    这麽样子,于是 他就把这个结拜的兄弟,推到 山涧 里头 了。

  • But tonight I was by myself and felt inadequate to face the torrent of vehicles .

    可是到了晚上就我一个人了,面对 急流 的车流,我感到很不适应。

  • It also comes with standard torrent features like queues bandwidth limits and proxies .

    它具有标准的 种子特征,如队列、带宽限制和代理。

  • The torrent of water turned our little boat over and we had to swim to the shore .


  • They were jostled and subjected to a torrent of verbal abuse

    他们被推 去,受到大肆的谩骂攻击。

  • Hill let loose a torrent of abuse against those who prosecuted his case .

    希尔对控告他的人 破口大骂 起来

  • Torrents of water gushed into the reservoir


  • With a stone torrent run it is not tired of living in a place away vagrants ;

    一块石头 洪流跑了,是不是厌倦了一个地方的生活而去流浪;

  • a £ 45 offer which prompted a torrent of criticism in the media .

    激起媒体一 指责的4.5万英镑的出价

  • The rain came down in torrents and we could see nothing


  • The river became a raging torrent when the rains came .

    大雨一来,河水就成了狂奔的 急流

  • The rain now becomes a torrent flung capriciously by a rising wind .

    暴风雨变成一 洪流,在越来越强烈的狂风下,反复无常地猛冲着大地。

  • The rains had turned the stream into a raging torrent .

    雨水将小溪变成了湍湍 急流

  • Shanxi Province is one of serious provinces in torrent disasters .

    陕西省是我国 山洪灾害比较严重的省份之一。

  • We want to be a torrent of this red building in front of the iron and steel unbeaten fighters .

    我们要成为这 建设 洪流中冲在最前头的不败的钢铁战士。

  • The trickle had become a flood and now a torrent .

    涓涓细流变成洪水,现在成 急流了。

  • They were swept away be the raging torrent .

    他们被奔腾的 急流卷走了。

  • An angry torrent rolls thunderously on for a thousand li .

    怒涛滚滚, 奔泻千里。

  • Chen Jishi He Dongxu and Fang Zhao were swept away in the torrent but others were saved .

    陈及时、何东旭和方照在 激流中被冲走,其他人则得救了。

  • The field trip involved crossing a raging torrent .

    实地考察时要穿过一条 水流 湍急

  • Streams rushed down the mountain and converged into a torrent .

    山水倾泻而下,汇成 洪流

  • This torrent is always surging ahead ; it has never stopped for a single moment and will never stop .


  • Why did an active torrent suddenly disappear ?

    为什么 种子突然消失了?

  • The river Tiber was no longer a foaming torrent overflowing the plains .

    台伯河已不再是漫溢平原的泛起泡沫的 急流