tortious liability

[法] 侵权行为的责任

  • Analyzing and handling the different situation of coincidence of tortious liability and default liability reasonable will play an important role in protecting the legal interests of clients .

    合理分析和处理违约责任和 侵权 责任竞合的不同情形,对 最大 限度地维护当事人的合法权益会起到积极作用。

  • Looking at the system of civil law in china we will find that there is no specific provision about tortious liability of omission only embodied in the general clauses of tortious liability and the relative provisions of civil obligation .

    而纵观我国民事法律体系,也没有明确不作为 侵权 责任 法律条文,不作为侵权方面的 法律 依据零散的体现在侵权责任的一般性条款和关于民事义务的相关规定中。

  • The appearance of these civil duties broken up the deep boundary of the traditional contact and tortious liability . The traditional contract-delict dichotomy civil liability is confronting with the theoretical and practical problems .

    这些新类型民事责任的出现,打破了传统契约 责任 侵权 责任泾渭分明的界限,使得传统契约& 侵权两分法民事责任体系面临着理论和实践上的双重挑战。

  • Being in an affiliating status tortious liability of liquidation obligor can serve a function to realize specific judicial policy .

    清算义务人的 侵权 责任具有实现特定司法政策的功能,处于辅助性的地位。

  • The contract liability and tortious liability are two main pillars of the traditional civil liability system .

    传统民事责任体系以契约责任和 侵权 责任为两大支柱。

  • Tort liability law should set up general clause of tortious liability of omission classify omission infringement and should concretely list the types of omission infringement that existed in legislation and practice .

    侵权责任法应当设立不作为 侵权 责任的一般条款,并以 介入因素为标准对不作为侵权进行类型化,具体列举我国立法或实践中已经存在的不作为侵权形态。

  • Surveying tort law in other countries the source of acting obligation have gradually converge and scope of tortious liability of omission is broadening .

    纵观世界各国的侵权法,可见作为义务的来源正逐渐趋于一致,不作为 侵权 责任范围亦在不断的扩大。

  • The civil law of different countries has two statuses & tort law mainly and contracts law mainly which have these as a background to systematic comparative study . It summarizes the different and connection of the tortious liability of omission in different counties of these two status .

    以各国民事法律呈现的状态&大侵权法和大合同法为背景对不作为侵权 责任进行系统化比较研究,总结了这两种状态下各国有关不作为 侵权 责任相关理论的区别与联系。

  • The differences among the contracting fault liability liability for breach of contract and tortious liability that violated the safety control duty were introduced with cases .

    作者通过案例引出缔约过失责任与违约责任及违反安全保障义务的 侵权 责任之间的差异。

  • But in modern society tortious liability of omission have been accepted universally in order to coordinate the relationship between the freedom to act and the rights for protection .

    在近现代社会,为了协调行为自由和权益保护的关系,不作为 侵权 责任已得到普遍的认可。

  • Though the tort law of tort for damage liability of provides some basis but for the tortious liability of phytotoxicity too general the need for further in ‐ depth discussion .

    虽然《侵权责任法》的出台为药害侵权民事责任的追究提供了一定的依据,但是对于药害 侵权 责任的规定过于笼统,需要进一步深入探讨。

  • As stated in Tortious Liability Law such liability is a tort liability in nature with components as following : the illegal act of violating the duty the consequence the causality and negligence .

    侵权 责任法》明确了责任的性质是一种侵权责任,其侵权构成要件包括:违反医疗告知义务的违法行为、损害后果、因果关系和存在过失。

  • Among them not all enacted law can cause tortious liability of omission only when acting obligation in the law which to protect personal interest it can become acting obligation in tort liability law .

    其中,并不是所有的制定法都能引起不作为 侵权 责任,只有保护私人利益的制定法规定的作为义务才能成为侵权责任法上的作为义务。

  • The tortious liability of omission has been discussed about legislation defining applicable scope and criterion of liability from theory .

    从理论上探讨不作为 侵权 责任的立法界定、适用范围、以及归责原则。

  • With the development of society the existing tortious liability model can not better protect the rights of people and play the function of protection and compensation .

    随着社会的发展,现有的 侵权 责任 承担模式已经无法更好的保护权利人,无法发挥 侵权 责任 的保护和补偿功能。

  • Tortious liability of omission refers to the liability caused by omission which has acting obligation .

    不作为 侵权 责任是由于具有作为义务的人的不作为而导致的 侵权责任。

  • As regard to the coincidence of the liability for breach of contracts and the tortious liability the author suggests that there should be necessary modifications of the clause No. 122 of the contract law .

    就违约责任与 侵权 责任竞合而言,笔者建议对《合同法》第122条规定作必要修改。

  • What should be clearly defined is the confirmation and responsibility of tortious liability concerning sunshine interests violation on the basis of re-examination .

    应当就日照权的 侵权 责任认定、承担责任的方式等,在重新审视的基础上加以明确规定。

  • Medical liability includes the default liability of medical contract and tortious liability the court respecting the patient 's right of choice agrees with the contract law .

    医疗责任包括医疗服务合同违约责任和 侵权 责任,人民法院尊重受害人的 请求选择权完全符合《合同法》 总则 分则规定的要求。

  • As an ancient and eternal scale on law of tort the fault principle broke the ancient principle of tortious liability which is the results of punitive and brutal and set objective and rational of moral benchmarks .

    作为侵权行为法的一把古老而永恒的标尺,过错 侵权 责任原则打破了古代侵权结果 责任原则的惩罚性和野蛮性,树立了客观理性的道德基准。

  • Based on the present conditions of the international conventions and the legislation of our country the author of the thesis studies the issues concerning the tortious liability of the salvor through approaches of comparative analysis historical analysis and unitary analysis .

    笔者将运用比较分析、历史分析、整体分析的方法,根据国际公约以及我国相关立法现状,对海难救助人 侵权 损害 赔偿 责任的相关问题进行系统的研究,以期对此问题有所裨益。

  • The clarification of holding the third party to the tortious liability for damages in specific circumstances ;

    应明确第三者在特定情况下的 侵权损害赔偿 责任

  • Accordingly constructing the system of the tortious liability in our country .

    从而,来构建我国的 作为 侵权 责任体系。

  • Highway enterprises should bear the environmental tortious liability resulting from damages of traffic noise pollution .

    公路经营企业应对道路交通噪声污染损害承担环境 侵权 责任

  • Tortious liability between spouses differs in characteristics from that of a general tort .

    夫妻 侵权 责任具有与一般侵权责任不同的特征。

  • Based on the well-developed experience from the statutes and judicial cases worldwide the writer made a systematic study on the Internet Service Provider 's tortious liability .

    本文主要借鉴国外成文法以及司法判例已经取得的先进经验,对网络服务提供者的 侵权 责任进行了研究。

  • However accompanied by omission cases that frequently happening in practice the theories nowadays cannot explain the questions about tortious liability of omission and supply theoretical support for legislation and judiciary practices and many basic theoretical questions still need to be further studied .

    然而,伴随着实践中频繁发生的不作为侵权案件,现有的理论已经不能合理解释不作为 侵权 责任问题,无法给立法和司法实践提供理论支持,在许多基本理论问题上仍有待于研究。

  • The historical development of the responsibility rule of the tortious liability of the salvor is briefly reviewed by historical analysis in Chapter Two .

    第二部分,通过历史分析的方法,对救助人 侵权 责任 责原则的历史发展作了简要回顾。