top row

[tɑp ro][tɔp rəu]

[计] 首行

  • London remained top for the second year in a row .

    伦敦连续第二年 位居 榜首

  • Researches of the pipe roof mechanism focus on two aspects which are the unloading or overloading effect of top row of pipe and guiding effect of the bottom row .

    管幕的力学作用研究方面: 上排管幕的卸载及超载作用、底排管幕的导向作用。

  • You can 't wear a tank top two days in a row and you can only wear your hair in a ponytail once a week .

    你不能在 连续的两天内穿同一件 背心,你一个礼拜只能梳一次马尾辫。

  • This is just the top row of keys on an English-language keyboard .

    这只是英文键盘上的 第一 字母键。

  • Top row : apron with tools apron with spray bottles .


  • You add new providers by clicking the Add a Provider button in the top row of the Providers View .

    可以通过单击 中的AddaProvider按钮添加新提供者。

  • Where to put the column – that is to keep it on the top row wrap it to the second row or hide it all together .

    将列放在哪里–也就是说,将它放在 第一 ,使它层叠到下一行,还是全部隐藏。

  • Use the top row for a header ; insert a Label control whose label is subject .

    使用 作为标头;插入Label控件,该控件的标签是subject。

  • Shandong Province is a developed agricultural province the total agricultural output value in the country as a whole has been the top row .

    山东省是一个农业经济比较发达的大省,农业总产值全国来看一直 前列

  • The charge of the capacitors is represented by the top row of red / yellow boxes .

    电容器的电荷以红色/色盒的 表示。

  • I was on the top row felt really sick and started turning green .

    我站在 最高 ,当时身体很虚弱,脸色开始发青。

  • We are seated in the top row of the stadium so Kevin really has to put his heart into it if there 's any hope of Cincinnati feeling the sting of his words .

    我们坐在看台的 最高 ,要想让辛辛那提队听到他带刺的话凯文的确还得给力些。

  • Zoucheng Travel Service the turnover of Jining in the top three in a row for the number one brand in Zoucheng City .

    邹城市旅行社,年营业额在济宁地区 连续 排名 三位,为邹城市第一品牌。

  • The steadiest institution is still Harvard Business School which took the top spot for the fourth year in a row .

    最稳定的一家仍然是 连续第四年拔得 头筹的哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)。

  • The top row shows our SELinux users the middle row lists the roles and the bottom row lists domains .

    位于 顶部 显示了SELinux用户,位于中间的一行列出了角色,而位于底部的一行列出了域。

  • The top row shows the eight combinations of colors that a cell and its left and right neighbors can have .

    上面 显示这个细胞和它的左右邻居可以有的八种颜色组合。

  • No headers detected . Assume top row of selection is header row ?

    找不到 标题。要将选定区域 设为列标题吗?

  • The arrows in the top row of images point to the supernovae .

    上面 图片中的箭头指出了超新星。

  • He makes it roll on top of the row of cards showing it can go forward and backwards .

    他使得轧辊 上面 卡,显示它可以前进和后退。

  • If this field stays on the top row whether the second row should be vertically justified to start directly beneath it .

    如果该字段在 第一 上,则第二行应该垂直调整,使其位于字段的正下方。

  • To freeze a row at the top of the window select the row below it and then click Freeze Panes on the window menu .

    要冻结窗口 顶部的一行,请选择 此行 下面的一行,然后单击“窗口”菜单上的“冻结窗格”。

  • Amid deteriorating conditions in Iraq President Bush met with several of his top advisers for a second day in a row .

    随着伊拉克局势不断恶化,布什总统 连续第二天召见了他的数位 高级顾问。

  • To number columns in a table select the top row and then on the home tab in the paragraph group click numbering .

    要对表格中的列进行编号,请选择 顶端 ,然后在“开始”选项卡上的“段落”组中,单击“编号”。

  • Looks in the top row of an array and returns the value of the indicated cell .

    在数组的 中查找并返回指定的值。

  • Bush met with several of his top advisers for a second day in a row .

    布什和他的几个 高级顾问 连续第二天开会。

  • In modern GUIs menus are visible across the top row of a screen or window in a menu bar .

    在现代图形用户界面中,菜单出现在屏幕或窗口 的菜单栏中。

  • I 'm in the middle top row .


  • The top row captures elements of the different sub dimensions of the environment for ICT in the state of Qatar & market political and infrastructure .

    上面 捕捉不同子元素对环境的尺寸在卡塔尔市场,政治,信息和通信技术基础设施的状况。