top-down technique

[ˈtɑpˈdaʊn tɛkˈnik][ˈtɔpdaun tekˈni:k]


  • Research of Pit Edge Top-Down Construction Technique for Large-Scale Deep Excavation

    超大深基坑坑边 作法施工 技术 应用研究

  • Top-Down Construction Technique for Excavation of Working Shaft Cover of TSM in Shanghai Subway Station

    上海地铁车站盾构工作井盖挖 施工 技术

  • Based on top-down design method the thesis discusses IP 's SoC design and integration technique .

    本文 采用 自上而下的设计方法,讨论了基于IP核的SoC设计与集成 技术

  • The to-be process models form the basis of the top-down process decomposition technique .

    “将来”的流程模型构成了 自顶向下的流程分解 技术的基础。

  • Excavation Method for Deep Foundation Pit and Top-down Construction Technique of Ribbed Plate Anchored Retaining Wall

    深基坑开挖与板肋式锚杆挡墙 作法施工 技术

  • The Substance and the Poem & The Duel Pattern of Top-down and Bottom-up Processes under the Ancient Chinese Technique

    成事与成诗&中国古代 技术范畴的形下与形上双重指向