top sample

[tɑp ˈsæmpəl][tɔp ˈsɑ:mpl]


  • A hermetic seal is used at the top of this sample box .

    这个 样品盒的 用密封条封着。

  • 125 popular hits involved in love / sex or erotic relationship in Billboard Top 100 chart between 1960-2003 with 77 sung by male 48 sung by female singers comprised a representative sample of songs in this study .

    其后对1960-2003年期间排行 中涉及男女关系的125首歌 进行分析。

  • We would be examining the region along the top of the sample to see the transistors .

    我们将检测 样品 顶部区域,看这个晶体管。

  • Click the open button located at the top of the sample files list window .

    单击位于“ 示例文件”列表窗口 顶部的“打开”按钮。

  • The relative total contents of the active components in Salvia miltiorrhiza may roughly be ascertained by the relationship between the highest peak top time in the fingerprint and the total content of the sample components .

    利用丹参指纹图谱最大 峰顶时间与成分总含量的关系,初步确定了不同产地丹参活性成分的相对总含量。

  • In the document window click the download sample button located at the top of the sample files list window .

    在文档窗口中,单击位于“ 示例文件”列表窗口 顶部的“下载示例”按钮。

  • The top tool shows the CPU usage of individual processes ; for example in the previous sample you can see that you are compiling a number of files and how much CPU they are using .

    top工具显示了各个进程的CPU使用情况,例如,在前面的 示例中,可以看到正在编译大量的文件以及它们使用CPU的比例。

  • The top of the sample application imports the CSS and JavaScript for the application .

    样例应用程序的 顶部导入应用程序的CSS和JavaScript。

  • Complete code is available in the Download section ( click the code icon at the top or bottom of this paper to download the code sample ) .

    完整的代码可以从下载部分中获得(单击本文 上方或底部的代码图标来下载代码 样例)。

  • Sampling from top to bottom of a 10 cm thick sample dredged from Magellan seamount NW Pacific was conducted at an interval of 5 mm . The concentrations of ore forming and rare earth elements in 20 subsamples were determined .

    对取自西太平洋麦哲伦海山区一厚度为10cm的富钴结壳 样品,自 至底以5mm间距采取了20个分层样品进行了成矿元素和稀土元素分析。

  • Comparing the results of microwave plasma bombardment and HP with pulse electric current sintering it is found that the top surface of SPS sample has similar XRD patterns with that of microwave plasma bombardment sample .

    通过微波等离子轰击及热压烧结的实验模拟,发现 样品 表面的XRD图与微波等离子轰击同样样品产生的XRD图极为相似。