top class

[tɑp klæs][tɔp klɑ:s]


  • I think there will be variations of gameplan because Shevchenko is top class so he might play two up-top with Didier Drogba there as well .

    我认为阵型可以有多种变化,因为舍甫琴科是 世界 的前锋。他可以和德罗巴组成搭档。

  • He 's a top class player and although he 's moved on from here he 's had a successful career elsewhere and is battling for a place in the England World Cup squad so he 'll be out to impress everyone .

    虽然转会去了别的地方,但他还是 顶级球员。他的职业生涯在任何地方都很成功,正在为代表英格兰参加世界杯而努力,所以他一定是憋了一股劲要表现自己。

  • Our company possesses powerful technique advanced equipments exquisite working arts and top class sales teams .

    本公司拥有雄厚的技术力量、进的生产设备、湛的生产工艺以及 一流的销售队伍。

  • Place of a lot of top class meeting also can create this kind of opportunity actively for the member .

    许多 顶级 会所也会主动为会员创造这种机会。

  • We played the top class at football but we could not beat them .

    我们踢足球是 一流 水平,但是我们不能战胜他们。

  • Top class coaches can produce world class athletes .

    最高 水平的教练员能培养出世界水平的运动员。

  • Don 't forget the team tonight should have included those who are out who are top class players so we can be very positive as well .

    不要忘记了,今晚球队本来是应该包括这些球员的,那些都是 顶级的球员,所以我们同样可以是非常乐观的。

  • You will have the opportunities to work with the top class designers programmers and project managers around the world .

    你将有机会和来自全世界的 一流设计师、开发人员、项目经理等合作。

  • This multiplex cinema is a seven screen complex that features state of the art sound and top class lighting .

    这家电影城有7个放映厅,以其高水平的音效和照明而 独树一帜

  • The manager was particularly pleased with his goalkeeper 's display after a string of top class saves .

    经理也对门将的表现很高兴,他做出了不少 世界 的扑救。

  • Can an athlete reach his full potential without a top class coach ?

    没有 水平的教练员,能使运动员发挥出他们的全部潜力吗?

  • If you are not ready for every game then a top class player will take advantage of it .

    如果你没有准备好每一场,那么一个 一流的球员将会利用这个优势。

  • Why is it necessary to have top class coaches ?

    为什么需要有 最高 水平教练人员?

  • And with those simple ideas Reg has been churning out top class greyhounds for decades .

    这些简单的想法,注册已生产了几十年的 顶级赛狗。

  • In top class restaurants you need a reservation and you need to arrive on time .


  • It is also one of the top class scenic spots crowded with visitors every day .

    它也是一个每天挤满游客的 顶级景点。

  • What are the basic individual qualities that a top class fencer requires ?


  • The players we 've brought in this summer are all top class enthused gerrard .

    “这个夏天我们的球员都是 顶级球员。”激动地杰拉德说。

  • It 's difficult for athletes to reach their full potential without top class coaches .

    没有 最高 水平的教练员,运动员很难发挥出全部潜力。

  • Top class diesel engine oil Apply to pressure or turbine pressure or nature inspiration diesel engine .


  • Blue Host are without a doubt a top class hosting company with a hard to beat web hosting plan .

    蓝主机毫无疑问是一个 一流的托管公司,以硬打网络托管计划。

  • A top class coach repuires experience knowledge and techniques that an athlete needs .


  • Anyone who keeps that many clean sheets in so few games has proved himself to be top class .

    任何人能在如此少的比赛中完成如此多的零封已经证明了他是 世界 的。

  • Desay born along with new China economy tries hard to study top class management principle and culture and has gradually grown to a modern enterprise .

    德赛,与中国经济大潮相伴而生,努力汲取世界 一流的管理理念和经营文化,逐渐成长为一个现代化新型企业。

  • As to the demand side that knows an user malic computer is the world apparently top class .

    至于理解用户的需求方面,苹果电脑显然是世界 顶级的。

  • Besides collect fees exalted besides place of top class meeting also has slashing demand to member status .

    除了收费高昂之外, 顶级 会所对会员身份也有苛刻的要求。

  • Accordingly the person that can enter place of top class meeting can say already Fu Yougui .

    因此,能够进入 顶级 会所的人可以说既富又贵。

  • But this swimming pool as you can see was completed on schedule in top class fashion .

    但是,这个游泳池就像您看到的一样已经 按期 质量的完成了。