top document

[tɑp ˈdɑkjəmənt][tɔp ˈdɔkjumənt]


  • In the search box at the top of the page type the label text or the barcode number for the document you want to locate .

    在页面 顶部的“搜索”框中,键入您要查找的 文档的标签文本或条码编号。

  • Ensure that the MathML namespace is declared near the top of the document most simply by having the namespace declaration xmlns : m = http : / / www.w3 . org / 1998 / Math / MathML on the html element .

    确保在靠近 文档 顶部 位置声明MathML名称空间,最简单的做法是将名称空间声明xmlns:m=“”放在html元素上。

  • Our clerk cannot move a document to the top of the queue unless the queue the document and its position in the queue can be easily seen .

    职员不能将一个文档移到队列 顶部,除非队列、 文档,以及 文档在队列中的位置都能明显看见。

  • Therefore if the top list is mapped to the document collection list a file is created for each top list item .

    因此,如果 top列表被映射到 文档集列表,会为每个top列表项目创建一个文件。

  • The title bar is located along the top of a window . It contains the name of the application and document .

    标题栏位于窗口的 顶部。它包含应用程序和 文档的名称。

  • The following are elements that appear at the top level of a schema document .

    下列元素出现在架构 文档 顶级

  • Pictures and objects with top and bottom wrapping may shift upward in the document .

    下型环绕的图片和对象可能会在 文档中向上转切。

  • Invalid at the top level of the document .

    文档 上层无效。

  • If your example is small and all namespaces are located in the top element delegating to the document will do .

    如果示例很小并且所有名称空间均位于 顶部元素内,指派到此 文档的方式将会十分有效。

  • You will know you are in debugging mode by the debugging toolbar that appears at the top of the document .

    通过调试 文档 顶部出现的调试工具栏,您会知道您处于调试模式。

  • You mapped top to document collection because you want to create a single document that will contain all the authors and books .

    您可以将 top映射到 文档集因为您想创建包含所有作家和书籍的单一文档。

  • The Pilot Operation Procedure ( POP ) is a very important top design document of integrated avionic system for fighter aircraft . It is closely related to other documents of system top design .

    飞行员操作程序( PilotOperationProcedure,POP)是战斗机综合航电系统 顶层设计的重要内容,它与系统顶层设计的其它部分密切相关。

  • Provides an indication of which is the top level node for a structured message / business document schema .

    用来指示结构化消息/业务 文档架构的 顶层节点。

  • A DataGraph object represents data in a tree-like structure with a root object at the top of the tree and children under it similar to the structure that you might find in an XML document .

    DataGraph对象以类似于树的形式表示数据,树的 顶部是根对象,其下面为各个子项,与您在XML 文档中看到的结构类似。

  • In HTML you can put a base element at the top of the document to override the base URI .

    在HTML中,您可以把一个base元素放在 文档 顶端来重写基本URI。

  • At the top of the document click debug to launch the ActionScript debugger .

    文档 顶部单击“调试”以启动actionscript调试程序。

  • This goes toward the top of the document just before the first section of actual content .

    这会出现在 文档 顶部,就在实际内容的第一部分前面。

  • The top loop in the algorithm iterates over the list of XML elements and attributes that may appear in the XML document .

    该算法中的 顶层循环对可能出现在XML 文档中的XML元素和属性的列表进行迭代。

  • Finally implement hook_rdf_namespaces so the prefix definition is included at the top of the HTML document as shown in Listing 18 .

    最后,实现hookrdfnamespaces,这样前缀定义就被包含在HTML 文档 顶部,如清单18所示。

  • If the top and bottom margins are not showing you can restore them by pointing and clicking in the document or by using the view tab .

    如果不显示 上边距和下边距,则可以通过在 文档中指向并单击或使用“视图”选项卡来恢复它们。

  • The Yellow info icon appears on the top navigation bar if a note already exists for a document .

    如果 文档中已存在注释,则黄色“信息”图标将出现在 顶部导航栏中。

  • Line-box vertical constraint . A left float box 's top margin edge may not be higher than the top padding edge of any line-box containing a box generated by an earlier element in the source document .

    Line-box垂直限制:左浮动框的上marginedge不能高于任何包含由源 文档中前一元素生成的框的line-box的上 paddingedge。

  • Extract into the currently ' active ' ( On Top ) Source Model Document .

    提取到当前活动的( 顶部)源模型 文档

  • Der Spiegel said it had gained partial access to a top secret NSA document dated 2010 that was obtained by Edward Snowden an agency contractor turned whistleblower .

    《明镜》称,它看到了一份日期为2010年的NSA 绝密 文件的一部分,该 文件是由NSA前合同工、后来变成泄密者的爱德华•斯诺登(EdwardSnowden)获得的。

  • Each chapter within the document is given a named anchor and links to each of these anchors are put at the top of the document .

    在文档中的每一个小节都会带上一个命名锚,而链接到这些小节的所有链接,会被放置在 文档 开头

  • From the structure segment is the top level unit in official document chapter at the mean time is still an operational and flexible component .

    从结构 看,语段是 公文篇章的结构单位,是具有可操作性的灵活的构件。

  • The pyxie w_2037 module is built on top of the PyXML distribution from the XML-SIG and provides additional high-level interfaces to an XML document .

    模块从XML-SIG构建到PyXML发行版 之上,它为XML 文档提供了附加的高级接口。

  • Open the database navigate to Applications and then click the New Application button at the top to create an application configuration document .

    打开这个数据库并导航到Applications,然后单击 顶部的NewApplication按钮创建一个应用程序配置 文档