tooth space

[tuθ spes][tu:θ speis]


  • Results : Total 7 impacted tooth were dislodged into the pterygomandibular space of which 6 were retrieved immediately and 1 root apex was not removed .

    结果:7例 牙根误入翼颌 间隙病例中,6例即刻取出牙根,1例小牙根未取出。

  • This article introduces how to create approximately involute cylinder gear and accurately control drive ratio and make cylinder gear drive animated cartoon which can avoid the tooth shape error caused dislocation of gear drive and excessive space between gear shapes created only in one way .

    最后介绍了精确控制传动比的方法制作圆柱齿轮传动动画;避免了单纯采用一种方法制作圆柱齿轮传动动画时的 齿形误差和齿轮 错位现象。

  • Conclusions It is a good way to make PFM bridge restoration for anterior tooth space .

    结论运用烤瓷联冠作前 漂移复位后的固定夹板,不失为一种有效的方法。

  • Purpose To find a solution to anterior tooth space by making fixed splinting with porcelain-fused to metal ( PFM ) .

    目的探讨前 漂移进行 周病综合治疗,正畸复位治疗后,用烤瓷联冠作固定夹板的效果。

  • Objective : To evaluate the 2 years clinical effect of using IPS-Empress ceramic veneer to close the anterior tooth space .

    目的:评价瓷贴面修复前 间隙后2年的临床效果。

  • From the above point of view the design for the tooth profile of the space engaged generating hob will be quite simple .

    应用此结论来设计 空间啮合展成滚刀的 齿形非常方便。

  • In order to imitate natural tooth dental ceramics should have similar translucency besides the color space .

    模拟天然 的牙科陶瓷,除了颜色的 匹配外,还要有与牙体组织相近的半透性。

  • This essay mainly explains that the involutes of grind gear on the bottom of the tooth space is not deep enough is caused by meshing interference .

    阐述了磨齿齿轮在 齿槽根部 齿 渐开线不够深是啮合产生干涉的原因。

  • Prove out that a pair of ring involute tooth forms are conjugated and that they can achieve precise spherical motion of constant transmitting ratio employing the space mesh theory .

    利用 空间啮合理论,证明了一对渐开线环形 齿廓互为共轭 齿 ,能实现精确的定传动比球面运动。

  • In modern population the impaction rate for third molars is higher than any other tooth . One explanation might be that the inadequate retromolar space .

    在现代人,第三磨牙阻生率高于其它 牙齿,其中一个原因可能是磨牙后 间隙不足。

  • A Simple Method for Designing Tooth Profile of Generating Hob - The Space Engaged Tooth Profile Normal Line Method

    展成滚刀 齿形设计的简易方法& 空间啮合齿廓法线法

  • Finite-element Method for Calculating the Distribution of Magnetic Field Strength in Pole Piece Tooth Space

    有限元法计算磁流体在极靴 齿 中的磁场强度分布

  • Clinical evaluation of using IPS-Empress ceramic veneer to close the anterior tooth space

    IPS-Empress瓷贴面修复前 间隙2年的临床评价

  • A similar profile are usually used as the tooth surface of hob cutters that processing flexspline which may make error on this account the surface equation tool tooth was deduced by space conjugate theory .

    加工柔轮的刀具通常为滚刀刀具,用近似齿形刀具加工柔轮得到的轮齿曲面误差较大,为此论文以 空间共轭理论为依据推导出与柔轮齿形共轭的刀具 齿面方程。

  • Results Satisfied effective results were observed in 47 patient infection of tooth space was found in 1 crown fracture was found in 1 and tooth extraction was found in 1 after treatment .

    结果50例患者经1~6月随访观察,47例取得满意疗效,1例治疗后发生 间隙感染,1例发生 牙冠折裂,1例拔除

  • Relationships between normal curvature and geodesic torsion of conjugate surfaces of gearing tooth in three dimension space and its application

    空间共轭啮合 齿面间的法曲率和短程挠率的关系及其应用

  • Finally the analysis of typical errors such as tooth space deviation tooth profile error gear surface contact area error and kinematics error are achieved and the correction calculation of the gear surface contact area and kinematics error is achieved .

    最终实现了对 齿 偏差、齿形误差、齿面接触区误差、运动误差等典型误差的分析,并对齿面接触区和运动误差进行了修正分析计算。

  • In this paper main factors affecting the volumetric efficiency of external gearing cylindrical gear pump are analyzed mechanism of hole produced in tooth space of pump and mechanism of leak loss by clearance are discussed .

    分析了影响外啮合直齿轮机油泵容积效率的主要因素,对油泵 齿 产生空穴和间隙漏损的机理进行了探讨。

  • Each tooth has a space the so-called pulp cavity .

    我们每 牙齿 里面都有一个 空间,即所谓的牙髓腔。

  • In addition the tooth profile of spiral bevel gear is spherical involute and the tooth surface is irregular space curved face which make it difficult to establish the accurate 3D models . The simulation analysis of meshing and optimization design of spiral bevel gears is greatly hindered .

    同时弧齿锥齿轮齿廓形状为复杂的球面渐开线, 齿面也为不规则的 空间曲面,三维几何精确建模较为困难,导致其啮合仿真分析以及局部优化设计的相关研究工作难以开展和深入。

  • In the course of treatment use two steps to close the tooth space .

    在治疗过程中,运用两步法关闭 拔牙 间隙

  • Crown and bridge restoration needs tooth preparation in order to obtain the space and for insertion and removal path for prosthesis .

    全冠或者桥的修复体在制备的过程中,需要进行 的预备让修复体能够得到在口内就位的 空间和就位道。

  • The clinical study of closing extraction of tooth space by J hook in higher traction

    J形钩高位牵引在关闭 上颌 拔牙 间隙的临床研究

  • We use the finite-element method for calculating the magnetic field strength in pole piece tooth space where its shape is complicated and changeable in the paper .

    本文用有限元方法对这一 边界形状较为复杂的 磁场区域进行了计算。

  • A face harmonic motion drive of separate tooth is a new form of utility model drive . It belongs to a structure of space active teeth drive .

    齿端面谐波齿轮传动是一种实用的新型传动方式,属于一种 空间的活齿传动结构。