too much for

[tu mʌtʃ fɔr][tu: mʌtʃ fɔ:]


  • So many new ideas ! it 's all rather too much for me to absorb all at once .

    这么多的新主意! 多得我一下子理解 不了

  • So many good ideas ! It 's too much for me to absorb all at once .

    这么多好主意! 了,很难一下完全吸收。

  • I thought her perpetual complaints were going to prove too much for me .

    我想我再 不了她无休无止的抱怨了。 per|pet|ual|ly

  • You 're asking too much for this part . B : we have some cheaper ones .

    这零件你们要价 了。B:我们有便宜一点的。

  • His inability to stay at one job for long had finally proved too much for her .

    他没有哪份工作能干长,这一点最终 难以 忍受

  • This is too much for me .

    非我 力所能及

  • This was too much for him .

    他来说,这实在 过分了。

  • He packed too much for this trip .

    这次旅行他带的行李 了。

  • The allure of the moonlit swimming pool proved too much for them and they all jumped in for a swim .

    洒满月光的游泳池 他们的吸引力 了,他们全都跳了进去游起泳来。

  • The deliberate public humiliation was too much for me .

    蓄意把我当众羞辱是 过分了。

  • Is a husband too much for me to ask for ?

    一个丈夫 我来说是个 过分的要求吗?

  • Are you saving too much for retirement ?

    你的养老金是不是存 了?

  • You 're right ; we 're billing way too much for this .

    你的确是对的,我们的报价的确 了。

  • This attraction was too much for him .

    这诱惑 了。

  • Oh fortune this is too much for me .

    哦,命运 公平了。

  • Yes I am sure you would miss me too much for that .

    是的,你肯定会想我的, 不会希望我结婚。

  • What 's too much for me just right for two but nothing at ? all for three ?

    什么东西 我来说 ,对于两个人刚刚好,三个人就什么也不是了?

  • A full-time job may be too much for her .


  • They charged us too much for repairs .

    他们向我们 的修理费 了。

  • I paid too much for it .


  • His parents'expectation was too much for him .

    他父母 他的期望 高了。

  • The Steward will serve your meals in your cabin if it 's too much for you .

    乘务员会把你的饭送到你的舱房里的,如果这个 对于来说 重要了。

  • He has done too much for us workers .

    我们工人们做得 了。

  • This third death was too much for me .

    这第三起死亡事件 打击 了。

  • I 'll say ! It 's too much for me .

    我正想说!我 不了了。

  • That 's too much for us really .

    我们来说实在 了。

  • Thank you ! Too much for me forget it .

    谢谢! 对于我来说 了,不要了。

  • If that 's still too much for you then you 're a bad parent .

    如果这仍然 ,那么你 你是一个坏的母公司。

  • Probably too much for you .
