toe cap


  • This paper describes a holographic interferometer which can be used to obtain holograms of bead toe bead shoulder and tread cap of multibsad wire tires under the vacuum loaded condition .

    本文提出了一种全息干涉仪,它可在真空加载条件下同时将多钢圈轮胎的胎 、胎圈、胎侧及胎 拍摄在一张全息图里。

  • Change in material to make protective cap change in protective toe cap manufacturer or changes in the design of the toe cap .

    材料使用转换为保护头,保护 转换供应商,或转换铁头的构造。

  • The Regularity of Inner Toe Cap and Counter - heel in Shoe Designing

    皮鞋设计中内 包头与主跟的设计规律