


  • A few of these spores found a toehold on the dark forbidding rocks and grew and began to work their transformation upon the land .

    这些孢子中的一个部分在黑暗中找到了一个 立足 ,可以防止石头 ,它们生长然后开始在这片土地 上面生长更替。

  • Mitsubishi Motors were anxious to get a toehold in the European market .

    三菱汽车急于在欧洲市场上取得初步的 立足之地

  • The firm is anxious to gain a toehold in the North American market .

    这家公司急于在北美市场找到一个 立脚点

  • He still has to find a toehold in the industry but it doesn 't seem hard for Smita Patil 's son Prateik Babbar who has got good films in his hands .

    他还必须找到在业内 站稳 脚跟,但它似乎并不斯米塔帕蒂尔的儿子,Prateik巴巴尔,谁拥有在他手中好电影难。

  • If you can muster a toehold in the project plan be forward-looking in your designs .

    如果能够在项目计划中 找到 立足 ,则可以在设计中 融入前瞻思想。

  • Modern China has long been a magnet for global multinational corporations seeking both efficiency and a toehold in the world 's most populous market .

    在当代,中国作为一个世界上人口最多的市场,长期以来一直对追求效益并且 想要 分得 的全球跨国公司有着 强烈的吸引力。

  • Another bank building a strategic toehold in Hong Kong is Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd.

    另一家在香港银行业建立战略 立足 的银行是三菱东京UFJ银行(BankofTokyo-MitsubishiUFJ)。

  • Such a quid pro quo was the basis for allowing foreign broadcasters their current toehold in the southern province of Guangdong but the lack of any obvious desire for more Chinese TV among US viewers makes it commercially dubious .

    这种交换是目前允许外国广播电视公司在广东省 立足的基础,但美国观众对收看更多中国电视节目的意愿并不明显,这使得上述交换在商业上是否可行还不确定。

  • Pioneering plants get a toehold above the tide line on Australia 's Fraser Island .

    先驱植物在澳大利亚弗雷泽岛的潮汐线上获得 立足之地

  • Netizens allege that some guests do not enter the show to date but merely to get a toehold in the world of show business .

    也有网友指出嘉宾里有一些并不是为了来找 一半的,只是为了更顺利地进入 演艺界。

  • We 'd like to get a toehold in the Japanese market .

    我们要先在日本市场有 立足 之处

  • They cannot allow these guys to have a real toehold in that area .

    巴基斯坦人不能允许激进分子在 那里有一个真正的 立足之地

  • The challenge : getting a toehold in a market with more than 2 U.S. craft brewers and a few dominant Global Titans .

    挑战: 有2000多家美国手工啤酒厂,后有占据市场主导地位的几家全球啤酒业巨头, 面对 如此 险境如何 才能在市场中抢占一席之地?