tone color

[toʊn ˈkʌlɚ][təun ˈkʌlə]


  • The second subsection analyzes the playing techniques from the following six different aspects : theme melody tone color and dynamics rhythm and tempo use of pedal design of fingering techniques and the connection between prelude and fugue .

    第二部分从六个方面,即主题旋律、 音色与力度、节奏与速度、踏板的使用、指法设计和前奏曲与赋格间的联系,来分析研究这部作品的演奏技法。

  • They consider Taishan clarinet can make them play various rhythms and musical scales outstandingly and its elegant tone color can even conquer girl 's heart

    他们认为,泰山单簧管能让他出色地演奏各种旋律和音阶,优雅的 音色甚至能征服少女的心

  • The Singer 's Psychological Factors and Tone Color

    歌唱心理因素与 嗓音歌唱 音色

  • Low three voice Districts in senior high school regardless on the technique still on the tone color is all to have the certain difference of otherwise have no senior high school low separately .

    高中低三个声区无论在技巧上还是在 音色上都是有必然区别的,否则就没有高中低之分了。

  • The part of tenors should be determined by such factors as tone color compass tone change range etc.

    男高音声部的确定要综合 音色、音域、换声区等诸多因素,尤其是戏剧型男高音的确认需谨慎鉴别。

  • Saxophone players consider smooth sound charming shape and full tone color of Taishan saxophone are absolutely the best !

    萨克斯风乐手认为,泰山萨克斯风那流畅的发音,迷人的形态,饱满的 音色,简直就是精品中的精品!

  • Seize control of tone color and musical lines as well as other aspects need to have strong skills support .


  • The utility model has the advantages that the diapason is wide the tone color is ringing the power of penetrating is high etc.

    因此具有音域宽广、 音色响亮明快、穿透力强等优点。

  • Since the appearance of accordion a lot of people have been attracted by its wide diapason rich tone color and great expressive force .

    自手风琴自诞生至今的一百多年来,很多领略过手风琴艺术的人都被它宽广的音域、迷人的 音色和丰富的表现力所吸引并久久不能忘怀。

  • RESULTS : In the singing ability the improvements of time-limit of keeping sound the correct rate of rhythm completeness of sentence and the distinctness of the tone color indicated that they had extremely significant correlation with the treatment times ( P < 0.01 ) .

    结果:在歌唱发音能力中,患者保持音时限、节奏的正确率、乐句完整性和 音色清晰度这4项的变化显示与治疗次数的相关性极其显著(P<0.01)。

  • And I watched the beautiful view below as I floated toward the ground . The instrument is rich in tone color with airy floating notes and simple and solid scattered notes .

    当我飘向地面的时候,我看到了漂亮的景色。古琴 音色丰富,泛音轻盈虚飘,散音古朴凝厚。

  • Unifies the aspect request to attain in an area of sing the method to unify the orotund position unify and the tone color unifies the etc. opposite but speech .

    在声区统一方面请求做到的讴歌法子的统一、声音地位的统一以及 音色的统一等等,是相对而言的。

  • Resonance deserves to be researched and discussed in learning singing because resonance plays a decisive role in volume tone color and tone quality while singing and it also contributed vitally to the unity of singing ranges .

    共鸣现象在歌唱学习中是一个很值得研究与探讨的问题,因为共鸣在歌唱声音的音量上、 音色和音质上起着决定性的作用,同时也对歌唱声区的统一起着至关重要的作用。

  • Color map original copy is different from black and white line original copy continuous tone gray copy and continuous tone color copy so it has its own characteristics .

    彩色地图原稿不同于黑白线划原稿、连续 彩色、黑白)原稿,因此,它的复印技术也就有着其独特的方法。

  • Some problems like the location of the voice is put rearward the tone color is dim and pale the voice is floating and so on will be occurred sometimes while converting the singing sonification to the broadcasting sonification .

    由歌唱发声向播音发声转换时往往出现声音位置靠后、 音色暗淡苍老、声音尖窄、漂浮不定等问题。

  • The soft sound pedal is the importance of the piano pedal system to constitute the part it makes the piano take place the variety on the volume tone color construct a music image with fresh and clear character .

    柔音踏板是钢琴踏板系统的重要组成部分,它使钢琴在音量、 音色上发生变化,借以营造出个性鲜明的音乐形象。

  • For example three phonation methods of the voice Districts if different may make the position of the voice different thus cause the disunity on the tone color .

    例如三个声区的发声法子如果不一样,就可能造成声音的地位不一样,从而导致 音色上的不统一。

  • The result of the experiment shows that without any wavetable this reconstruc - tion in frequency - domain copies the tone color of piano more appropriately .

    实验验证,这种频域的音色重构方法,不触发任何波表,更贴切地模仿了真实钢琴的 音色

  • With the evolution of global unity the regression of traditional sense of tone color is very important to the evolution of the Chinese Orchestra art and the pluralism of the world music in the 21 st century .

    在全球化的过程中,传统 音色观念的回归,对21世纪民族管弦乐艺术的发展和世界音乐的多元有极其重要的意义。

  • From New Culture Movement to open policy implemented in the year of 1978 large-scale Orchestra has developed under the influence of the sense of tone color of fusion and unity in European classical music and romantic music .

    从新文化运动到1978年改革开放,我国民乐界努力按照欧洲古典派和浪漫派音乐中融合统一的 音色观念,发展大型的民族管弦乐。

  • Its hazy tone color is suitable for expressing soft and mellow moods . show ( a ) deep reverence for a person


  • As for the 402 dulcimer the range and volume are expanded the halftone is added the tone color is riched and the inflexion is adopted conveniently .

    402型扬琴的音域和音量扩大了,增加了半音,丰富了 音色,方便了转调。

  • Please choose tone color and play it in your group .

    分组选 音色试奏。

  • We are also worried about what tone color this plastic bead will be on white color dress ? Very concerned !

    我们还担心的是,用在白色礼服上的将是哪种 塑料珠子?非常关注!

  • It displays that during the evolution of the orchestration art of the Chinese Orchestra in the 20th century two different senses of tone color which interacting and influencing each other push forward the evolution of the Chinese Orchestra art and the traditional sense of tone color has regressed .

    本文认为,在20世纪民族管弦乐配器艺术的发展过程中,两种不同 音色观念的相互作用、相互影响推动了民族管弦乐艺术的发展,传统音色观念走过了一条螺旋式回归的发展道路。

  • The plastic arts such as sculpture architecture calligraphy and painting can express the music beauty through their generality arts makes the beauty of space arts & plastic arts lasting forever in the acoustic effect scale and the tone color .

    雕塑、建筑、书法、绘画都属于造型艺术,它们之间可以通过艺术所具有的共性来表达其所需的音乐美,使空间艺术的美&造型永留存于音响效果音阶、 调性 音色

  • The rhetorical elements of Chinese names include pitch tone color rhythm structure additional meaning figure of Chinese character cultural meaning etc.

    这些修辞要素包括音高、 音色、节奏、结构、附加义、汉字形体、文化内涵等。

  • Erhu can be presided instruments of Stringed and woodwind music of Jiangnan is related to its personification sound tone color .

    二胡能成为江南丝竹的主奏乐器,是与它特有的拟人声性的 音色相关。