tone control

[toʊn kənˈtrol][təun kənˈtrəul]


  • The application of type RC tone control circuit to the Hi-Fi amplifier

    RC型 音调 控制电路在高传真扩音机中的应用

  • Results ① In the period of iodine inadequate in 1996 the sub-cretin children ′ s abnormal rate of pure tone hearing threshold was significantly higher than their control group ( P < 0.01 ) and their audition damage frequently happened in low frequency region ( 500 Hz );

    结果①在试验区处于补碘不足时期(1996),亚克汀病可疑儿童的 纯音听阈异常率显著高于正常 对照儿童(P<0.01),且其听力损失多发生在低频区(500Hz);

  • A Busy Tone and Directional antenna Multiple Access Control Protocol with power control ( BT-DMACP ) for Mobile Ad hoc NETwork ( MANET ) is proposed .

    该文针对移动adhoc网络(MANET),提出了支持定向天线应用的 忙音和功率控制多址 接入协议(BT-DMACP)。

  • Based on the principle of carrier communication an intelligent control system is presented which applies single chip microcomputer and DTMF ( Dual Tone Multi Frequency ) coding technique to realize remote control of objective load .

    根据有线载波通信的原理和双音多频DTMF(Dual ToneMultiFrequency)编码,同时利用单片机实现对目标负载有线 遥控的智能控制系统。

  • The directional hidden terminal problems and side lobe interference for the network using directional antennas are considered . Through directional busy tone signals and the power control method the directional transmission power of data packets can be adjusted in time .

    协议充分考虑到定向天线应用中存在的定向隐藏终端问题和旁瓣干扰,利用定向 忙音信号和基于信噪比门限的功率 控制策略,对数据分组的定向发送功率进行实时调整。

  • Management must set an appropriate tone at the top that positively influences the control consciousness of the Entity 's personnel .

    控制环境:管理必须有一套合适的“管理 基调”,能正面影响单位员工的 控制意识。

  • A stochastically-based study on Chinese tone patterns in continuous speech development of hybrid speed control system in China employing target shooting Clasp Retarder and continuous control hydraulic retarder unit

    基于统计方法的汉语连续语音中 声调模式的研究减速器-减速顶点连式 调速系统在我国的发展与应用

  • Neurological examination shows severe lower body muscle tone and poor head control .

    神经系统查体则可见重度躯干肌 张力减低,伴有头 差。

  • Mixer channel tone controls are an excellent way to control feedback problems . Speakers can use intonation stress and pauses to help make their meaning clear .

    讲话的人可以用语调、 重音和停顿等方法来帮助他们表达的更明确。

  • Computer Analysis of the Series Resonance Circuits with Transistor Analog Inductor and Application Design of the Tone Control of Radio Cassette Recorder

    晶体管模拟电感串谐回路的计算机分析及在收录机 音调 控制部分的电路设计

  • On the skill and technique of touching the strings with right hand and tone control in Pipa performance

    试析琵琶演奏中右手触弦技法的运用与 音色 控制

  • Keep your ring tone under control . The music can be distracting so it 's best to keep your phone on vibrate .

    控制电话音量。手机 铃声会分散注意力,所以最好把手机调成震动。

  • Control environment determines the tone of an organization and it affects the control awareness of the entire staff and is the basement of other control elements .

    控制环境决定着一个组织的 基调,它影响着整个组织内工作人员的 控制意识并且是其他控制要素的基础。

  • Still life shape ; Monochrome water powder ; Tone confidence ; The part depict ; Humidity control ; Pigment usage .

    静物造型;单色水粉; 色调把握;局部刻画;水分 控制;颜料使用。

  • Endothelial dysfunction can lead to coronary vascular tone control mechanism may be damaged and start the process of atherosclerosis .

    而内皮功能不全可以导致冠状动脉血管 张力 调节机能受损并且启动粥样硬化的过程。

  • When the tone finally came through there was pandemonium in the mission control room . The rally began in an uproar .

    乐曲终于响起, 控制室内一片沸腾。大会在一片 喧腾声中开始了。

  • In the command remote control system with information feedback checking the execute code adopts a tone code using a special sub-channel to complete command output control which is a command format widely used at present .

    在信患反馈校验指令控制系统中,执行码采用占有独立付信道的 单音码完成指令的输出 控制,是目前广泛应用的一种指令格式。

  • It altered the tone of the government 's initial reaction to the disaster which had been to deploy the army to control potential unrest among millions of stranded train passengers .

    政府曾部署军力 控制数百万滞留火车站的旅客可能造成的动荡,而这种 政治姿态则改变了政府最初的这种 调子

  • The RTS / CTS handshake mechanism busy tone and power control are integrated with CDMA to improve the network performance .

    协议综合使用了RTS/CTS短分组握手机制、 忙音 信号、功率 控制和CDMA技术来提高网络性能。

  • Linear-Phase Digital Audio Tone Control

    线性相位数字化 音调 控制

  • Color blind tone deaf arrhythmic with unusual muscle control abilities he demonstrated extraordinary powers of observation in the areas of disease healing and perception .

    凭着异乎寻常的肌肉 控制能力,他在疾病、治疗和认知方面表现出了超常的能力。

  • Because of his works have high requirements in the voice continuity tone control the exact syntax style and other aspects of the master demandings . It is also difficult to grasp and perform perfectly on the surface simple notes .

    而演奏他的作品在声音的连贯, 音色 控制,句法的准确,风格的把握等方面都要求极高,不易把握,在表面看似简单的背后,有着无尽可以挖掘的宝藏。

  • Mixer channel tone controls are an excellent way to control feedback problems .

    调音台通道上的 均衡 控制 叫的特别好的方法。

  • Results : 1 . Two groups showed significant decreases in muscle tone after treatment ( P < 0 . 001 ) but that the improvement in the treatment group is superior to that of the control group .

    两组治疗后比治疗前肌 张力均明显降低(P<0.001)、但治疗组疗效优于 对照组。(P<0.001)。