tongue phenomenon

[tʌŋ fɪˈnɑməˌnɑn][tʌŋ fiˈnɔminən]

[医] 舌现象(轻轻向舌上叩击时引起舌收缩与深度下陷,见于手足搐搦)

  • Mother tongue transfer is a phenomenon that cannot be neglected and denied in second language learning .

    母语迁移是一种在二语学习过程中无法忽视和否认的 现象

  • The mother tongue transfer phenomenon is the important topic that many linguists and psychologists research in the second language acquisition .

    在第二语言习得领域中 母语迁移 现象是许多语言学家及心理学家研究的重要课题。

  • The writer also gave some advice to actively appeal to young audiences using the mass media to give positive guidance to enhance the identity of their mother tongue and to eliminate the spread of an uncivil language phenomenon .

    呼吁大众传媒积极给予年轻受众正面引导,提升大家的 母语认同,杜绝传播不文明语言 现象

  • Negative transference from mother tongue is a common phenomenon in English language learning which has a negative influence on the language learning .

    由于英语初学者对英语的语音、词汇、句式、 文化等规则不够熟悉,常把母语规则移植到英语学习过程中,从而产生 母语负迁移 现象,给英语学习带来困难。

  • An Empirical Study of Tip - of-the - Tongue Phenomenon

    对词在 唇边 现象的一项实证研究

  • Negative transfer from mother tongue is a common phenomenon in English learning which has a negative influence on new knowledge acquisition .

    母语负迁移是英语学习过程中的常见 现象,对新知识的学习和掌握产生负面影响。

  • Mother tongue transfer which can be divided into positive transfer and negative transfer is an inevitable phenomenon during the process of second language acquisition .

    母语迁移分为正迁移和负迁移,它是二语习得过程中不可避免的 现象