


  • She was not exactly a tomboy .

    她当然不是个 小子

  • In recent months Katie has transformed herself from her tomboy Dawson 's Creek character Joey Potter into a sleek fashionista who is never uncomfortable on the red carpet .

    近几个月来,凯蒂一改其在《恋爱时代》中的 小子 乔伊•波特的形象,成为红地毯上最引人注目的时尚达人。《OK!

  • Hannah 's biggest worry now is that her daughter will turn out to be a tomboy .

    现在汉娜最大的顾虑就是怕她的女儿会长成一个 小子

  • Suddenly it was OK to be a tomboy and girls across China posted blogs saying that the ballsy and idiosyncratic Li had inspired them to be themselves .

    几乎一夜之间, 英气 男孩子样的女孩被众人接受了,女孩们纷纷在博客上说,李宇春勇敢、个性的表率激励他们成为自己。

  • It 's like when you 're in a dark restaurant and you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror behind the bar said fashion designer Laura McGrew of Tomboy Design Studio in Kansas City Mo.

    就如你在一个黑暗的餐馆里,在酒吧后面的 镜子看到自己。

  • I grew up with four older brothers so I was a bit of a tomboy when I was at school .

    我和四个哥哥一起长大,所以在上学时我有点 男孩子

  • One of my earliest memories is of getting into trouble for being a tomboy .

    我最早的记忆片断之一,是自己 表现 像个 小子而惹来麻烦。

  • The contradiction between female body and inner masculinity of hoyden ( tomboy ) sets challenge against the dual sex-perspective .


  • She had started out to be a tomboy much to her parents'dismay but a strict governess had taken the spontaneity and impulsiveness right out of her .

    她的性格变得 男孩子,她父母十分担忧,可是严格的控制使她失去天性和冲动。

  • In other words it might not sting as much for a girl to be called a tomboy as it does for a boy to be called a sissy .

    换句话说,女孩子被叫做 小子不会像男孩子被说成娘娘腔那样叫人受不了。

  • Fine clothes are wasted on her-she 's a tomboy .

    漂亮衣服她穿了也是白搭一她是个 顽皮 小子

  • I will continue to perform tomboy in music programs show programs radio shows and here I will visit regularly . I will work very hard .

    我会继续在音乐节目里表演 丫头,我会定期上电视节目,收音和这里的。我会很努力的。

  • I 've grown out of the tomboy look now and happily wear heels tight jeans and dresses .

    看看现在的 小子,我已经长大,并愉快地穿高跟鞋,紧身牛仔裤和连衣裙。

  • When I got acquainted with Steve I was a real tomboy .


  • If Jo is a tomboy and Amy a goose what am I please ? asked Beth ready to share the lecture .

    “如果乔是个 小子,艾美是个小傻瓜,请问,我是什么?”贝思问道。

  • Because his wife is such a tomboy .

    因为他妻子很 厉害

  • I picture Alice as more of a tomboy but she is the one who did all the fussing over Bella for the prom .

    我想象中的爱丽丝更像个 小子,可独独就是她对贝拉的舞会热心过度的啊。

  • She has been a tomboy since she was born .

    她从生下来就很 男性