tobacco tax

[təˈbæko tæks][təˈbækəu tæks]


  • After increasing the tobacco tax do you change your smoking habit ?

    增加 烟税后,你有没有改变吸烟习惯?

  • On top of that they pay sales tax and the tobacco industry pays profit tax .

    除此之外,他们还缴纳销售税,而 草业支付利润

  • Living on borrowing the Peking Government turned its glare to the new tax-Alcohol and tobacco tax .

    借贷度日的北京政府,在关税、盐税抵押殆尽后,目光转向 税收新晋& 烟酒

  • The Research of the Tobacco Tax System in Chongqing in the Period of Republic of China

    民国时期重庆地区 烟草 税收制度研究

  • Kemball suggested there could be a revenue-sharing agreement on a First Nations tax equivalent to the provincial tobacco tax .

    建波尔建议可以制定一个关于第一国民税(相当于省 烟税)的 税收分享协议。

  • Publically the tobacco industry maintains that tax increases are not effective .

    公开地, 烟草行业坚持认为增 是无效的。

  • We are in charge of nm usiness t-ax commodity tax tobacco and alcohol tax .

    我们负责营业税、货物税及 酒税等业务。

  • Tobacco tax as a proportion of cigarette price .

    烟草 ,香烟价格的比例。

  • Many parties need to promote advocacy and policies such as banning smoking in public venues promoting tobacco tax increases etc.

    许多方面都需要促进宣传和政策,如禁止在公共场所吸烟,促进提高 烟草 ,等等。

  • A substance such as an extract or a spice that imparts flavor . The characteristics of tobacco production and consumption and raising tobacco tax in China

    调味品,调料一种增加味道的物质,如香精或香料我国香烟生产消费的特点与增收 香烟

  • As the only means of economic regulation Tobacco consumption tax can play a role that other regulatory measures can not match .

    烟草消费 作为经济调控手段,能起到其他调控措施无法企及的作用。

  • Smoke-free public places and a high tobacco tax have led to a decline in smoking on the island .

    公共场所要求无烟和高额的 烟草 使得该岛的吸烟现象减少。

  • This article introduces the necessity of the tobacco taxing the general status of the taxing in the world and the health efficacy of tobacco tax .

    介绍了烟税征收的必要性、全球烟税征收的一般状况、 烟税 征收的健康效益等内容。

  • The global background and international experiences in raising tobacco tax

    提高 香烟 消费 的全球背景和国际经验

  • Tobacco Control Strategy in Elevation of Tobacco Price and Tax

    试论控烟策略&提高 烟草价格和 税收

  • Article 11 The manufacturer shall according to regulation set up and keep account books evidential documents and relevant records sufficient for the accurate calculation of tobacco and alcohol tax .

    第11条产制厂商应依规定设置并保存足以正确计算 酒税之帐簿、凭证及会计纪录。

  • If the goods referred to in the preceding paragraph are subject to commodity tax or tobacco and alcohol tax the sales amount shall include the amount of commodity tax or tobacco and alcohol tax .

    前项货物如系应征货物税或 烟酒 之货物,其销售额应加计货物税额或烟酒税额在内。

  • Increases of Tobacco tax cause the main development pressure increases the funds into diversified area are subject to strict limitations . 4 .

    烟草 税收的提高,使主业发展压力增大,主业投入到多元化的资金受到严格限制。

  • However Kretek noted that the Treasury Department 's Tobacco Tax and Trade Board classified its Djarum clove-flavored cigars as cigars under federal law in2007 .

    然而,丁香烟国际公司指出,美国财政部的 烟草 和贸易委员会根据2007年的联邦法,把嘉润的丁香味雪茄划分为雪茄。

  • The characteristics of tobacco production and consumption and raising tobacco tax in China

    我国香烟生产消费的特点与增收 香烟

  • Tobacco tax revenue rose by 9 % in 1997 but decreased in 1998 after the tax cut .

    1997年 瑞典 税收收入增加了9%,1998年减税之后税收收入减少了。

  • These provisions set international standards on tobacco price and tax increases tobacco advertising and sponsorship labelling illicit trade and second-hand smoke .

    这些条款规定了关于 烟草价格和 税收增长、烟草广告和赞助、标签、非法贸易和二手烟雾的国际标准。

  • The tobacco companies oppose tax increases .

    烟草公司反对 税收的增加。

  • Then the paper introduce the concept of consumption tax on tobacco and its operating mechanism . The aim is to answer why the tobacco excise tax can reduce tobacco consumption .

    文章在烟草消费税的概念及其运行机制的分析上花了较多笔墨,目的是回答 烟草消费 为何能有效减少烟草消费。

  • Sources of disaster are concealed behind that great amount of tobacco output value and tax revenue seems to be a considerable sum on the surface .

    虽然巨额的 烟草产值、 税收从表面上来看确实是一笔可观的收入,但其背后却隐藏着可怕的祸端。

  • Grass root tobacco station is a main department for the requisition of agricultural tax responsible for drawing up and distributing assignments carrying out the policy for tobacco price checking tobacco quality calculating tax payment supervising the fulfillment of assignments and collecting data etc.

    基层烟草站是征购农业税的主要业务部门,承担着任务制订与分解、烟叶价格实施、 烟叶验质、 税款计算、任务完成情况监督、数据汇总等业务。

  • The Ministry of Health has published an annual tobacco control report and there have been campaigns to increase tobacco tax and warnings added to packaging .

    卫生部发布年度烟草控制报告,开展了提高 烟税的宣传运动,并在 香烟包装上标注健康警语。

  • Therefore to adjust local government intervention by reducing tobacco tax rate will have a significant impact on the restriction of tobacco production as a whole .

    因此,减少 的税率来调整当地政府的干预行为,对全面限制烤烟生产会产生重要的影响。

  • The reports released earlier this month came as a group of lawmakers discuss a tobacco tax hike that would more than double cigarette prices to above ¥ 600 a pack .

    上月初所发布的该报告,使一群立法者讨论 烟草,可能使卷烟价格翻一倍多,使每包价格超过600日元。