toilet seat


  • Leave the toilet seat up some British doctors now say .

    马桶 起来,一些英国医生说。

  • Tina : You know what ? I 'm sick of going in the bathroom and having to put the toilet seat down .

    蒂娜:你知道吗?我已经对进厕所还要把 马桶 翻下来厌烦了。

  • The utility model can exhaust odor in the toilet seat outside through the exhaust fan also can exhaust odor outside when in stool thereby playing the role of purifying indoor air in the washroom .

    本实用新型设计有排气扇,能将 便 内的气体抽排到室外,大便时散发出来的气味也随气体排到室外,起到净化洗手间室内空气的作用。

  • Think twice before eating those dropped crumbs off your computer keyboard & you might as well be eating off a toilet seat according to a new study on the amount of germs on keyboards .

    对电脑键盘上细菌数目的最新研究表明,在捡吃那些掉在你的电脑键盘上的面包屑之前可要思索再三&可能你也是在吃 马桶 食物。

  • Which deals in disposable moist towelettes and toilet seat covers .

    这家公司经销一次性湿纸巾和 马桶 坐垫

  • I 'm going to kill you if you leave the toilet seat up one more time !

    如果你再将 马桶 起来我就把你杀了!

  • He 's loving and thoughtful and sexy and he picks up his socks and puts down the toilet seat .

    他忠诚、体贴、性感,袜子掉在地 了知道捡起来, 马桶 座圈 用完了知道放下去。

  • You forget to put down the toilet seat .

    你忘了把 马桶 坐垫放下来了!

  • If there is a broken toilet seat we will get it fixed Mr. Stannard said .

    甚至 马桶 座圈坏了,我们都会找人修好,斯坦纳德说。

  • The first person asks me to make sure I put the toilet seat down after I use it .

    第一个人让我要确保在 每次用完厕所有把 马桶 下来。

  • And I see a child bent on a toilet seat .

    我看见一个孩子在 马桶 思考

  • Cover a toilet seat with plastic wrap .


  • Water splashing on the toilet seat was a source of contamination .

    溅落在 马桶 的水是污染源。

  • I feel angry and hurt when you leave the toilet seat up because it seems inconsiderate to me like you don 't care about my comfort or our shared space .

    你把 马桶 起来时我很生气,因为我觉得你不顾我的感受,就如你不在乎我们共有的空间,不在乎我是否舒服。

  • Although you can climb on your toilet seat and squat the kink can also be ironed out by sitting with your feet on a little stool and leaning forward .

    你可以爬上你 马桶 蹲着,不过也可以坐在马桶上,然后给脚下 一个小凳子,同时保持身体前倾,用这种方式实现蹲便。

  • The first toilet seat ( 3 ) is mounted to the hinge pin ( 6 ) at two points one on each side of a point at which the second toilet seat ( 8 ) is mounted .

    第一 马桶 (3)在两个点处安装在铰接销(6)上,在安装第二马桶座单元(8)的位置处的每一侧上设有所述两个点中的一个点。

  • Learn to work the toilet seat ; if it 's up put it down .

    学会使用 马桶,如果 马桶 起来了就把它翻下来。

  • Neil I hope you don 't mind me mentioning this but would you mind keeping the toilet seat down after you 've used the toilet ?

    我希望你不要介意我说这个,但是,你在用完马桶之后可不可以把 马桶 放下来呢?

  • Believe it or not there are more germs on the bathroom floor than on the toilet seat .

    不管你相不相信,浴室地板上的细菌比 马桶 的细菌还多。

  • You can use it repair a leaky toilet or to fix a crack on a toilet seat .

    可以用它修补漏水的马桶,修理 马桶 座圈的裂缝。

  • A study by British consumer magazine Which Computing asked a microbiologist to examine for bugs on33 keyboards in a typical London office a toilet seat and a toilet door handle .

    这项研究由英国消费者杂志《WhichComputing》开展。该杂志让一位微生物学家对伦敦某办公室内的33个电脑键盘,一个 马桶 和一个卫生间门把手进行细菌检测。

  • Foresight : sit on the toilet seat with sufficient bumf as soon as the purger is taken .

    远见:吃完泻药后立刻备足卷纸坐到 马桶

  • I remember as a kid and I used to go to the toilet and the toilet seat was up in the dark I 'd climb on to go to the loo there 's no seat and I 'd fall in .

    我记得小时候曾经晚上去上 厕所,在黑暗中看不见 圈被提起来了,等爬上马桶后没有坐圈,结果我就掉进去了。

  • What I caught was a toilet seat instead of a fish .

    我钓到的是一个 马桶 ,而不是鱼。

  • To Harry from Fred & George : a toilet seat confiscated by Madam Pomfrey however because she felt it might not be very hygienic .

    弗雷德和乔治送给哈利的礼物:一个 马桶圈,然而庞弗雷夫人觉得不太卫生,就把它没收了。

  • You that little nigga got his ass caught in a toilet seat .

    这个小黑鬼的屁股被 马桶粘住了。

  • The utility model relates to a totally-enclosed domestic toilet seat which adds seal structure and sanitary equipment on the structure of an existing toilet seat .

    一种全封闭家用 便 ,它是对已有的便器在结构上 增设了密封结构和卫生设备。

  • There 's a stain on the toilet seat and the floor was wet and slippery .

    马桶 座圈 有一点瑕疵,地板又湿又滑的。

  • My brothers used to always leave the toilet seat up always .

    我的兄弟们以前用完 马桶后,总是把 提起来,总是这样。