Women have not even reached the level of tokenism that blacks are reaching .
妇女甚至还没有达到黑人所达到的 象征 性 的 平等水平。
If you want to be cynical it is possible to argue that some of this activity is mere tokenism or just a statistical aberration .
如果你要 扮演怀疑 人士 的 角色,你可以说这种行为只是 表面 现象,或只是一个统计偏差。
Second Mr Obama is guilty of small-bore tokenism .
其次,奥巴马 做 的 只是 些 表面文章。
Is his promotion evidence of the minorities ' advance or mere tokenism ?
他的晋升是证明了少数族裔的进步,还是仅仅 为了 装点门面?
Young players should emerge on merit not because of tokenism but if we have fewer players in the squads it will create more opportunities .
年轻人需要 出头, 这不是 形象 工程。如果我们球队里年轻人太少,那么就得制造机会。
But tokenism or not the Huffington experiment is certainly fascinating not least because it helps to challenge some of our wider ideas about sleep .
不管 是不是 表面文章,赫芬顿的试验至少非常有趣,尤其是它有助于挑战我们对于睡眠的某些更宽泛的观念。
Here the group succumbs to tokenism or fails completely .
在这方面,该集团 要么 是在 做 表面文章,要么 是彻底不及格。
The state has often seemed to prefer tokenism to real equality for Coptic Christians who serve at many levels of government but remain starkly under-represented in the security establishment .
对科普特基督教徒,埃及政权常更倾向于采取 象征主义 措施,而 非真正的平等。科普特基督教徒 虽 参与到政府诸多层面工作,在安全机构里却明显缺乏话语权。
US tokenism in nominating an Asian-American is a recognition of the global shift .
美国 此次提名一位亚裔美国人, 表明 它已认同了全球 实力的转移。
As time goes by the wheel of history has been to the 21st century . Diagram of Yin and Yang fish as a symbol of Tokenism has gradually faded out from the sight of people .
随着时间的推移,历史的车轮已经 行驶到二十一世纪,作为 道家的象征性符号&阴阳鱼 太极图已经逐渐淡出人们的视线。