


  • When I discovered that the greatestpitchhappiness was not in actually eating a toffee but in gazing at it beforehand .

    而我发觉最大的幸福不在于吃 ,而在于 前凝视它的那一段时间。

  • Also remember that too much wasabi will mask the delicate flavors of the fish . This is best served with whipped cream and / or toffee sauce .

    还要记住,沾太多的芥末酱会把鱼肉的鲜味盖掉。配合鲜奶油和/或 一起 食用 味道最佳。

  • He made a delicious toffee pudding for his dinner party .

    他晚饭请客做了一道鲜美的 奶油 布丁。

  • But I think I could be safe with a nice toffee .

    但是我想 口味的应该会安全

  • Determination of melamine in milk and toffee by capillary electrophoresis

    高效毛细管电泳法测定牛奶和 奶糖中的三聚氰胺

  • She poked a toffee into my mouth .

    她把一 塞进我的口中。

  • A beguiling mix of peat smoke tangy lemon and lime pepper and cinnamon-spiced toffee .

    揉合浓郁的煤烟、清爽的柠檬和青柠、辛辣的胡椒和掺杂玉 气味。

  • Slowly traces of toffee caramel and dusty leather emerge .

    慢慢地, ,焦糖和尘土飞扬的皮革痕迹出现。

  • He chewed the toffee his cheeks bulging .


  • Reason : Everton mints produced in the Liverpool district of Everton are a popular mint toffee .

    原因:利物浦市埃弗顿区有一家 制糖厂做的薄荷味 很受欢迎。

  • The toffee around the fruit remains sticky so that when a piece is picked up with chopsticks flossy sugar is drawn out .

    水果表面的糖浆需要保持一定的粘性,这样在用筷子夹起的时候才会抽出如 丝般的糖浆。

  • This is our complimentary dish toffee apple .

    这是我们奉送的菜, 拔丝苹果。

  • The palate abounds with blackberry and stewed rhubarb fruit flavours with a soft fine-grained tannic structure and finishes with a subtle lingering smoky and toffee oak complexity .

    充盈着黑莓和熟透的水果的香甜,回味中有明显的橡木烟熏和 的味道。

  • I wouldn 't go halves in the toffee and gingerbread on purpose to save the money .

    为了把钱省下来,我不肯把 和甜饼分给别人。

  • A nose of blackcurrant and marshmallows sweets completed by the freshness of the amylic aromas ( banana toffee herb ) .

    散发着黑醋栗和 药属葵糖果香味;

  • They were rather earnest about the Tommies and the threat of conscription and the shortage of sugar and toffee for the children .

    他们对于军队,对于征兵的恐吓,对于儿童们的糖与 糖果的缺乏,是颇郑重其事的。

  • When manufacturers started adding nuts fruit and toffee to their chocolate bars chocolate found an even wider audience .

    巧克力制造商开始在巧克力棒中加入坚果、水果和 喜爱吃巧克力的人更多了。

  • Is a kind of toffee candy good very good food .

    是一种 奶糖,不错,挺好吃的。

  • This is best served with whipped cream and / or toffee sauce .

    配合鲜奶油和/或 一起 食用 ,味道最佳。

  • Caramel or toffee apples are common Halloween treats and apple bobbing is a game played with putting apples in a large basin full of water .


  • Despite a heavy accent and a nervously flapping arm at times the president appeared to be chewing a toffee as he explained that Russia had a long history of taking part in the fair but had never hosted it .

    除了厚重口音和紧张得来回摆动的双臂,在阐释俄罗斯参与世博会的历史久远却从未有机会举办时,总统有时的 表情就像是在嚼了一

  • It was an unsuitable connection and did not produce much happiness . Lucky Chocolate Toffee brings you luck .

    这种结合不合适,没有带来多少 幸福

  • The special treat was to eat maple toffee after meal .


  • Plum red and black fruits toffee chocolate herbs .

    李子,红色和黑色水果, ,巧克力,草药。

  • You surely don 't think gorge could sing in public do you ? He can 't sing for toffee !


  • Then quite suddenly rain-clouds condensed over the whole globe . The mixture solidifies into toffee .


  • One reason is that the price of toffee apples may fluctuate wildly which means that although I could in principle write a contract denominated in toffee apples it would be hard to have much confidence in what that contract really meant .

    原因之一是,苹果 的价格可能会有很大的浮动,这意味着,尽管我可以签署一份以苹果棒糖为计价单位的合同,但很难确信这份合同真正意味着什么。

  • True the first bite was delicious but once the toffee was gone one was left with nothing neither toffee nor lust .

    不言而喻,它乍咬一下可口 无比,但一旦吃完便一无所有,欲望亦随太 糖化为乌有。

  • The nose is intense with rich apricot toffee and butterscotch characters which are the hallmark of wines from a vintage with high botrytis influence .

    浓郁的杏子、 、奶油糖果芳香体现了葡萄孢菌素含量较高的年份酒的特质。